Chapter Eleven

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  Life wouldn't be fun if it did not have its ups and downs.

                            – Mickey Rooney.


I'm just four steps away from the main gate of Study Great Tutorial. Walking seems like an easy task, at least, for the two students that just passed me, but for me, it's an obstacle I doubt I can tackle. It's 9:30 on this bright Monday morning. Every serious student, from crèche to high school, will be in class right now, while I am thinking of how to avoid school in general. My secondary school experience was, to put it mildly, not fantastic. I got bullied a lot. Not physically though, it was just that they all had reasons to mock me. And since I wasn't the kind to speak out, I always tried to let their words roll off my back. It never did. It still hurts. I guess that's the real reason I'm hesitant to enter a learning environment. You can't predict what your classmates may do to you.

My quote for today says something about Life won't be fun..blah...blah... I don't want a fun life. I just want a successful one. I haven't tasted fun ever since my parents died. I don't think I will ever.

There are things I won't accept in this tutorial. The first one will be bullying, then any derogatory remark, I won't take that. I am sure I will be older than some of them so I will not accept any form of disrespect. Lastly, I hate gossip. I won't indulge in one and I don't want my name to be in one.

I nod in resignation and trot into the building. I get to the secretary where I submit my admission form. She tells me my fees have been paid. I know that but for some reason, she was questioning it. She had this 'who are you?' look on her face. It prompted me to introduce myself again.

"I know! I know! You said your name is Ifunanya  James," she cut me off. "Who are you to Mr Ibeh?"

I ponder on the question and with a nonchalant shrug, I reply, "A family friend".

She nods. "You can head to class. By the way, you are late. Class starts at 9 am".

"I understand. Thanks, ma"

"You're welcome"

I follow her direction and head into the room where the classes are held. The door is already open so I easily spot the crowd of students. I walk in, my eyes everywhere but nowhere. I greet the teacher, a man with a wiry frame and trot to the nearest empty chair which was close in the middle row. I take my seat and take in deep breaths to calm my throbbing heart. I glance at the girl beside me.

"Hi," I force out. She turns to me.


"What subject are we having right now?"

"Maths," she says with a smile.

"Oh," I nod. "Thanks".

My eyes travel around the room and a satisfied smile crawl to my lips. The students looked normal, some fashionable and the others simple. Both males and females looked calm and focused. I shut my eyes and say a word of thank you to God. I'm just glad there won't be much drama. The smile hovers on my face as I anticipate a peaceful time in Study Great Tutorial. I pull out one of my exercise books from my bag and just when my pen is about to touch my book, boisterous laughter startled me– not just me but everyone in the class. Girls strut into the class as they giggle. They wave their hands apologetically at us, still mirthful. I spot the long colourful acrylic nails on their fingers, with different golden rings to back it up. Their crazy jeans reveal their thighs as they swing their hip left to right and their crop top just a few inches below their chest region. It didn't stop there.  A few boys and girls walked in and they all occupy the back seats. The one that caught my eyes is the tall, dark-skinned figure with a high afro haircut. His bright black eyes scan the class and he had a flirtatious smirk on. He even dares to wink at a fine girl on a seat in the front row. She giggled and this eventually incenses the teacher.

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