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Well, this was embarrassing.

Amarvus was currently waiting in line at the loading bay. Daniel was currently standing beside him, the two connected by a leash attached to the harness Daniel was wearing.

"Are you really, really sure this is necessary?" Daniel spoke through gritted teeth.

"Yes, Daniel. I am really, really sure. All unknown species must be restrained in someway while in large spaces. And as sweet as you are, you are still an unknown species." Daniel went back to trying to hide his face. "Hey, everyone else has to wear one. There is no need to be embarrassed. It is alright." He wasn't wrong. There were other humans in the line: all wearing a harness and trying to avoid any form of eye contact. Daniel grumbled something and continued his staring contest with the floor. Amarvus gave him a sympathetic look. "I know. I promise that you can take it off as soon as we get to my home." Daniel nodded. He just wanted to get this over with.

They finally made it to the front of the line. A person with a handheld screen asked Amarvus for an ID and a "patient report." Daniel decided that he didn't want to know what was on that. After a moment, screen guy waved them through. They walked onto a platform as a monorail pulled up. Amarvus picked him up as he walked on with the others. He sat Daniel down next to a window and put a seatbelt around him. The monorail started moving and left the station. Daniel's eyes were glued to the window, in awe at everything he saw. The sky was a teal color. Any plants he saw were a beautiful shade of red. The buildings were beyond amazing. Everything looked so advanced and different. There were some basic things he recognized, but a lot of it was so new to him.

The ride soon ended, and Daniel was being picked back up and taken off the monorail. It was a short walk to an apartment building of sorts. They climbed up a flight of stairs and stopped at a door that Amarvus unlocked. As soon as he opened the door, two smaller people that looked a lot like him came running.

"Uncle Marvus!" They ran up to Amarvus and hugged him.

"Hello my darlings! Oh, I missed you so much!" They let go of him and soon noticed Daniel. They made a very loud, "Awwww!" before starting to move towards him. They were quickly stopped by Amarvus.

"I wanna play with the baby!" Said the one with the same dark purple hair as Amarvus.

"Can we? Pleeeeeeease!!!" This one had light green hair.

"Wait, what have I told you about being around any of my patients?"

"Not to get over excited. We are sorry baby; we did not mean to scare you."

"It's ok. Don't worry about it."

"Daniel, this is Oormila and Kagni, my niece and nephew. Oormila, Kagni, this is Daniel."

"Hi Daniel." They said in almost-unison.

"Hello. Nice to meet you."

Another figure appeared in the hallway. "Are you just going to stand in the front door or are you going to say hi to your sister?"

"Punthea, it is so good to see you again."

"Yeah, yeah, how was the trip?"

"It went well."

"Mama! Look at the baby he brought back!" Kagni grabbed the leash that was still attached to Daniel and yanked him towards his mother.

"Oh, darling, be careful! You do not want to hurt the little guy." She had a concerned tone in her voice.

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