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"Are you sure this is necessary?"

"Am I sure that you need a bath? Yes."

"Well, yeah. But can't I just take one by myself?"

"Sorry dear, but you cannot read the labels on the bottles. They are too big for you, anyway."

"True. But I just- I can't- mmh." Daniel started fiddling with the hem of his shirt, looking down in embarrassment. Amarvus kneeled down so that he was at eye-level with Daniel, taking his hands into his own.

"Hey, it is alright. Can you tell me what has you so nervous? I cannot help you if I do not know what is wrong."

"Well, it's just. It's- weird to have someone see you- you know- without anything on."

"Oh, I see. Daniel, I am a vet. I see this kind of stuff all of the time. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. This is just another part of my job."

"I'm just- just really not comfortable with it."

"Alright, I understand. Are there certain areas you do not want me seeing or is it just in general?"

"Um, just there." Daniel's face was red as he gestured towards his crotch.

"If that is the only place, you can most certainly have a towel around your waist and wash there without me. How does that sound?"

Daniel thought it over, "Yeah, ok. I... I think I can do that."

"Wonderful. Let me get you a towel." He stood back up and walked over to a cabinet, grabbing a towel and walking back towards Daniel. "Here you go. I need to go get a change of clothes for you. You can undress while I am gone. I will knock before I come in. Alright?"

"Ok." Daniel watched as he left the room.

Daniel started to undress. It took longer than usual since he was still a bit sore from being stuck in the same position for so long. As he finished wrapping the towel around himself, he wondered what to do with the bandages. He supposed he could ask Amarvus when he came back.

Daniel heard a knock at the door. "Come in." Amavrus came in carrying a blanket and an outfit that was nearly identical to what Daniel was previously wearing.

"Are you ready?"

"Um, ready as I'll get. Did you want me to take the bandages off or..?"

"I can take them off for you. Come up to the bath so I can get to you easier." Amarvus opened the half-door that led to the bath and gestured for Daniel to enter.

"Thank you." Daniel walked past him. The bath looked nothing like one. It looked more like a hairdresser sink attached to a recliner: sitting on a small platform with a ramp leading up to it. Daniel walked up the ramp and sat down on the chair. Amarvus undid the bandages that covered rough spots.

"They look much better than before. How do they feel?"

"Better. Still a little sore." Once Amarvus was finished, Daniel laid back on the chair. It was surprisingly comfortable despite being plastic. He tried his best to relax, but he was still nervous about this whole thing. Amarvus draped the blanket over him. It was a bit heavier than normal, but that honestly helped with his nerves even more. He heard water start running, and after a few seconds Amarvus asked for his hand.

"Does this feel alright?" He asked as the water fell on Daniel's open palm.

"Um, it's a little hot."

"Oh, I am sorry dear. How... about... now?"

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