Chapter 5

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Shin Yuna (past)

"Shin Yuna, to the teacher's office. Now!"

I was a bit shocked, for real. Lee Jiah, our English teacher's voice echoed from the door of my class. It was so high-pitched and I'm sure the whole classrooms on our floor could hear my name being summoned out loud.

I usually got called regarding my floorball activity but it has always been students who came for me. Never a teacher. So this is something new. I guess.

Yujin, whose desk is next to me looked at me in disbelief. She mouthed me with 'why?' and I shrugged my shoulder. I wished I could tell her why.

When I took my first 3 steps towards the door, that's when I could hear everyone's phone notification sounds. I look back and they were all looking at their phone. I was about to walk back to my desk so that I could take my phone with me, but Lee-saem told me to go quickly.

I could sense the stares given by few of the students that I walked past while heading to the teacher's office. And as I stepped into the office, eyes are on me. Most of the teachers must've gone to their classes and there is only 5 to 6 left and that includes my homeroom teacher, Kim Yewon-saem. She waved her right hand signalling that she wants me to go to her. There were 2 other teachers next to her. It was my P.E and Economics teachers. It's enough to say that I know they're glowering at me.

"Yuna, care to explain?" Kim-saem asked me as she moves her laptop screen to me so that I could see better.

"it was a photo" I replied to her. She almost rolled her eyes and that scares the hell out of me.

"now look at the description. I won't ask you to read it out loud so take your time before you answer" she said in a cold tone and it almost make me choke on air.

"SYN from class 2-4 is a cheater. She's metting two guys at-" I read the text slowly and stop immediately when I realized where this is going to lead. And the next thing I did was to gasp so loud, even the 3 teachers were surprised at how loud my gasp has been.

 And the next thing I did was to gasp so loud, even the 3 teachers were surprised at how loud my gasp has been

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It was a photo. A black long haired girl kissing with a boy. It was taken from the side so the face of both of them wasn't really seen. I don't know who they were. And I certainly believe that the teachers must have thought it was me based on the hair length and colour. Also, the description of the post.

The photo was posted on our school anonymous Facebook page. Right now I'm pretty certain that the whole school has already seen the post.

The class and acronym from the post are closely related to me considering only I have the same acronym in my class.

What is happening?

I can't believe what I'm seeing. I wish one of the teachers would smack the back of my head so that I could wake up from this bad dream.

"saem, this is not me" I looked at them in panic. I'm in a stew. Why would someone post this and said that it was me? 

And that boy wasn't even Intak. I'm dating Hwang Intak, why would I kiss another boy? And there's no hell of a way I'm going to confess that I'm dating Intak to the teachers. Ilsam High School? Where even was that school?

"but this looks exactly like you, Yuna" the P.E teacher, Yoon-saem said to me while her eyes are reading the comments on the post. I'm at a lost of words. I didn't know what to say. It's like my mouth just stop working.

"is there any proof that this isn't you?" Kim-saem questioned me again. My heart is dismayed with her question.

"saem, why would you said that this was me? This isn't me, I swear" I could feel the heat in my eyes.

"Yuna, I do hope that this really isn't you. But this has gotten through the whole school. The only thing we could do is to suspend your school activities. Until you can give us a proper explanation or proof that this isn't your photo" her last paragraph hits me right in the face.

I walked back to the class with heavy steps. Kim-saem called my mom earlier and told them about the matter. I'm pretty sure I'd be rained with questions once I got home and I'm not ready for that.

I don't usually make my parents worry and had always kept my school reputation clean. I don't understand who would post something like that and slander me. I don't think I have problems with anyone. Last time I fought with a school friend was when I was in elementary school. And it was a fight over food.

The hallway was so quiet and empty because classes has started half an hour ago. And my head was about to explode with questions that I couldn't answer. I stand in front of the class door. So afraid and worried about the looks that I would get from my classmates. They must already know about this.

My hands stopped halfway from the doorknob when it was opened by Lee-saem. I couldn't meet her gaze, but I know she's looking at me.

"what are you doing? Get inside" she said and I bowed my head slightly without saying anything.

"and Yuna" she called me slowly. I turned my head back and look at her.

"come see me after school, I need to talk to you" she said and went her way. I didn't get to answer her as she walked away really quickly. Almost like not wanting me to decline her request.

I took a very deep breath before continuing to enter the class. I try to avoid their eyes and landed mine at my seat. My stomach doesn't feel good and I feel like throwing up. Is this what they called anxiety? I never had this feeling before, so I didn't know how to describe it.

I walk fast enough to reach my seat and sat down. I could see Yujin's porcelain doll eyes looking at me. Worried. I didn't look up at all. I took my phone from under my desk and saw few miss calls from mom.

"Yuna, what happened? What did the teacher say?" Yujin asked, almost like whispers. I was too afraid to look at her. But she's my best friend, I don't have the heart to just ignore Yujin.I look up to her slowly. And I can clearly feel the intense stares around me.

Slowly, I lift my head up. Honestly, I love attention. But this was the first time I felt horror having the whole class looking straight at me.

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