The finding of...

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  • Dedicated to The Skulduggery Lot on Twitter. They know who they are.

Skulduggery's Pov


I was missing Valkyrie already, but she hadn't spent time with her family in months. I felt gulity as it was my fault. I knew it and so did she even though she would never say it.  I was sat with Ghastly when my phone started vibrating. It was Valkyrie. Was she missing me already. The though made me laugh. I answered

"Missing me already?" I said laughing slightly. What i herd next made my non existant heart drop.

"Sk..ulll.... h..eeee.ll.p m...e." She was obviously in pain. I didn't know what to feel. I was quite numb.

"Valkyrie where are you?!" Tried to keep the anger and upset from my voice, Ghastly put one hand on my shoulder. I didn't react i just listened.

"Pa..r..k all..y-waa..y" Her words were getting more slured. But i got it. Park, Dead end ally-way. 

"Valkyrie I'm coming don't worry. Keep talking to Ghastly. And Ghastly keep her conscious and alive. Please." Anger was boiling up inside me. So i passed my phone to Ghastly and ran to the Bentley. Activating the façade on my way. 

I drove down to the park in impeccable time. It was strangely quite today and was getting dark early. I searched every ally way i could fine in hope Valkyrie would be in the closes one. As i searched anger  boiled up inside me, Then the boil turned into a fire. Standing in the opening of the only dead end all way. Staring at a heap in the shadows. Was Caelan. Caelan was standing staring at Valkyrie. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I couldn't help myself, the anger overwhelmed me. But what i got in response wasn't what i expected. He looked at me with a sadness in his eyes.

"I didn't do it... I promise." Was all he said. I didn't know what to say or how i felt. I just looked from him to the heap in the shadows and back.

"Leave now.. It's getting dark. GO!" I tried to steady my voice. But he got the message and with that he was gone. I hurried over the the heap in the shadows and was met by the voice of a panicking Ghastly. I looked for Valkyries phone as i lifted her slightly. I cradled her in my arms and held the phone to my ear. Blood soaking into my suite i listened to Ghastly for a few seconds before saying. "Ghastly, I'm with her. Get Nye and some cleavers. Shes hurt. Ill send Fletcher."

"Skulduggey, whats happened. Talk to me." 

"Ghastly please. Nye and the Cleavers." He was silent for a moment and then agree'd. I hung up and looked down at the motionless body in my arms. She was still breathing. Barley. But still alive. I cradled her more. Bringing her in closer. I felt tears i no longer had fill up in my eye socket. So dialed Fletcher's number.

"Valkyrie?" He sounded tierd. I didn't care not at this moment in time. 

"Fletcher its Skulduggery. I need you in the park now!." i herd a shifting of leafs outside the opening of the ally way. I pulled myself and Valkyrie more into the shadows until i could see the ridicules Blondie hair. 

"Turn and walk down the ally." I said my voice shaking and with that Fletcher appeared. Looking down at what was on my lap horrified.. Then.. Tears came streaming down his face. I was ready for this so i told him why i called him. Of coarse in two eye blinks he had disappeared and reappeared with Ghastly, Nye and 3 Cleavers. 

Nye came over while Ghastly was talking to Fletcher. I still felt numb. I didn't want to let her go. She was now, finally in my arms. Nye wanted me to let go of her but i refused and just turned her over. He still wansn't happy. So he grabbed her gently. I snapped. A rush of anger flooded through my skeleton. Before i knew it. All three cleavers were on me and i was being pulled away. I kicked out. Then... then i was in the Sanctuary holding cells. I looked at the metal bars as i was hand cuffed and put inside one. At this point i didn't kick up a fuss. I just sat with my head in my knee's. Crying tears which wern't there

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