Chapter 2

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I was standing in the middle of the forest, dressed in a long, white nightgown. I looked around, taking in my soroundings, my eyes stopping on a single white rose planted a little way off. Walking towards it, I froze when I heared a soft russle in a nearby bush. Frantically looking around, I put my hands out infront of me, ready to defend myself. I sighed in relief when a saw a small fawn creep out from behind the bush.

Slowly walking towards it, I sat down, waiting to see if the small would come to me.

After a while of waiting, it slowly walked towards me, resting its head in my lap. I grinned as a stroked its head, singing and talking to it softly. I was just finishing one of my favorite songs when the fawn jumped up, tensing. I too got up, looking around for any danger, suddenly feeling very overprotective of the animal. When I didn't see anything, I looked towards where the fawn was, only to see it running off. Before I could turn back around, I felf a hand grab me from behind, stabbing me in the arm in the process. I tried to scream but my mouth wouldn't open. Instead I opted for silently crying, still unable to see my atacker.

I was looked up at him but his face looked increadibly blury. All I could see was that the person was a vampire. I gasped in shock, suddenly remembering all the horrible stories that I had heared. I started wiggling, trying to get out of their grip. I was almost free when i heard a earth shattering growl and before I could blink, a saw a black wolf jump out from the bushes. The vampire hissed, lunging at the wolf and without warning, bit down into it's neck. This time, when I tried to scream, I was able to pry my mouth oped to let out a piercing scream.

It felt as though I had ripped out alot of stitches while opening my mouth, I had a pounding in the back of my head and my throat felt like sandpaper. I looked down at my chest in horror, a long sword sticking out.  I looked up at the vampire who looked on the verge of death, most likely using the last of his energy to stab me. I then looked at the wolf, tears bluring my vision. I saw that it wore the same expression as me and I gasped. all I saw looking back at me were two stone cold, glowing yellow eyes before everything whent dark.

I jumped up, panthing while looking frantically at my chest then around what now turned out to be my room. I sighed, looking over at my clock. It was only 6:30 so I decided to just head to the market early.

I got up and took the clothes that I had layed out the previous day. I then went downstairs, took an apple from the fruit basket and went through the back door to go down to the lake. After taking a quick shower, I put on my dress, apron and sandals then tke the shotcut in order to get home early.

As I was walking, I pushed all thoughts of my recent vision to the back of my thoughts and instead focused on looking at the greenery around me. I smiled as I saw  three squerels running together but my smile imidiately fell when I remembered how my dad and I used to come here all the time. Today was my birthday but also the aniversary of his death.

I shook those thoughts away as I saw my house up ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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