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I feel insecure, a new year has begun and I'm feeling down already. Ugh what's wrong with me, everyone around me are so happy, why can't I be like them?

As I walk through the hallways, I see familiar and new faces, I don't dare make eye contact, they'll see through my mask I'm sure of it. Quickly I made my way down to the art room, great I thought to myself, another day, another boring block of art.

I make my way to the front and grab my artwork, I take a glance at it, ugh this looks like crap. I then casually walk back to my seat.  Staring at my half finished artwork I'm lost in thought, what if all this never happened? Wouldn't life be amazing? Would if I just one day died? My thoughts were then rudely interrupted by a question, I look around until I spot him.
"What's that on your arms?" My arms? What was he talking about? I look down at my arms and see the scars, I then roll my sleeves down. "Nothing, its nothing"

He looks at me, stop looking at me its like your shooting daggers into my soul. Please can we just change the freaking subject! I slowly look down at my paper and continue drawing, why is he looking at me like that, ugh I'm so stupid why didn't I roll my sleeves down before I came in.

I stand up and go to the washroom, I lock myself into a stall and pull out my blade, ugh why are you so stupid, I said as I slashed at my thighs, blood started pouring out of the gaping wounds that I've inflicted on myself, the feeling of pain hit me quick, I'm alive OK I'm good. I put my pants back on and clean up the mess, eventually going back into the classroom.

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