Chapter Seven.

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/ / H E M M I N G W A Y / /

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Walking down the sidewalk, I all but ran to Maddie's house. It wasn't far from my own –about three streets over—so no matter how late I was, I would get there in no time.

Of course, today I was a little worried though.

Usually, I'd send Maddie a quick text telling her that I was late and to wait up but since my phone didn't charge, I didn't have anything to text her with, meaning she probably didn't know I was still coming and would leave without me.

Hopefully she hadn't left yet.

Not now, not when I needed her.

I don't think I have the courage to go back to Baker Street on my own. Why did I even want to go back there anyways? Monsters weren't real, I knew that for a fact, yet I still had this dread in the pit of my stomach saying otherwise.

I feared going back and finding a towering monster ready to finish what was started yesterday but at the same time when I thought about going back and everything being normal, my stomach twisted more.

It was sickening to think that the events of yesterday were just figments of my imagination.

I feared that reality the most.

God stop it! Stop thinking about this Grace! I walked faster down the road. At this rate I would become an anxious mess before the day even started.

"And where are you going missy?" I hear Maddie call stopping me in my tracks. I then spin around on my heel to see that I had passed her house by ten feet.

I wasn't even close to the front gate surrounding her house anymore.

"Hey sorry, I got a bit distracted there." I looked to her to see that Maddie was in bell bottom jeans with embroidered flowers at the bottom, snow boots and a red t-shirt that peaked out from under her winter coat.

Shaking the previous thoughts out of my mind, I briefly smiled. "Sorry for being late... I woke up late and my phone's broken." I then apologize and my best friend laughs, "Well that explains allot. To be honest I kinda thought you were mad at me or something. I mean I texted you a million times... almost texted your parents but decided not to because I know how your dad gets."

"Thank you for not doing that... my parents worry about me enough as is."

"Is it about that bruise?"

"You noticed?"

"How could I not, it's the entire right side of your face." Maddie gawked with a pointed finger making my shoulders slump as I sighed. "So, what happened?"

At her question I sighed again, unconvinced that she'd accept what I had to say. "Would you believe me if I said I fell?" My lack of faith was confirmed when she shot back an 'are you joking' look.

"I didn't think you would."

"So, are you going to tell me or what?" She nudged my shoulder with her body causing an internal debate. Should I tell her? No –it's too crazy, I mean monsters in the alleyway? Impossible. She wouldn't believe it –I didn't believe it— but she's my best friend, if anyone was going to believe me it had to be her right?

"Don't freak out... I was attacked yesterday."

"ATTACKED!!" Her big brown eyes lit up with a fury usually reserved for my brother. "WHO ATTACKED YOU!! I'LL KICK THEIR ASS!!" Maddie's banshee screaming continued, alarming me as prying eyes across the street fell on us.

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