Chapter Twenty-Four.

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"This is a temple. I didn't think there were any in Iowa." I was amazed at the size and beauty of the old building, even though it was destroyed, it looked grand. "There are quite a few here, flatlands were always the best locations for worship." He smirked to himself once he saw my expression.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it, it's amazing... how does no one know about this?" I then ask. "Somebody must've stumbled across something this massive at least once."

"It's hidden from the Mundane, you can only get here if you're Bellen and know where to look." His footsteps trailed off as I continued to stand and stare at the building from afar. "Mundane?" I looked at him confused.

Sighing Alec shook his head, "Your parents really did hide everything from you."

"Hey, don't talk about my parents!" I growl before my confusion got worse, "What's that even supposed to mean?" He waved a hand at me.

"Nothing... the Mundane is here, it's the reality were in now." He then gestured to the surroundings but ended up reexplaining when I didn't lose my look.

"In simple terms the Mundane is the name for the human world –like how Bellow is the name for the supernatural world."

"Oh." I didn't know how to respond to a statement like that.

I knew Alec was always a strange individual with a slightly disturbing constant knowledge of my person, but supernatural and human worlds were the strangest things he's ever said, and if I was honest, it didn't really make sense either, but I pretended like it did, nodding my head I moved on. "So, when was this place built?"

"Not sure... most Bellen history from the Mundane was lost." He shrugged while stuffing his hands into his pockets, "If I'm honest this is my first time coming here... when I found it originally it was by accident."

"Well, I'm glad you did because it's beautiful." I smile. "The only problem is I'm still confused on how this is supposed to answer my questions."

"Well, it's not much of an answer but more of an informational," Alec awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, "I --well I just wanted you to have something tangible for evidence."

"Evidence for what."

"To prove I'm not lying... that this exists."

"But why would I think you're lying?"

He sighs, "The truth is hard to believe, especially this truth... of course now that I think about it this might've been a bad idea."

Why did he always have to be so cryptic?

"Would you just tell what you're thinking for once," I cross my arms. "I think this might be a bad form of evidence since I think we're the only ones who know its here." He explains, his feet kicking at the ground as he talked.

"Why do you think that?" I prompt.

It was like getting a straight answer from a toddler.

"Well, this place was one of worship and to bury the dead but with a war happening the people who once came here must've been forced out –leaving the history and location behind." His voice was saddened at the statement.

"There was a war in Iowa?"

"It wasn't Iowa then or even America. It was back before the pilgrims and conquerors when the land was still pure; there was tribes of indigenous people, each separate tribe contained a special power bestowed to them by the Goddess. There were wolf-people and blood drinkers, magic users and elven creatures that could turn into nature. Even men as tall as redwoods. Back then it was normal for these people to have powers but as the new world began and outsiders travelled here, they saw these people as demons and hunted them down. They were slaughtered."

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