Chapter One

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Kisa's Pov.


"Knock it off you two!" Mom yelled from another room. I'm not sure where, but I'm assuming the kitchen. I sighed and pulled my hair into a high pony-tail before slipping out of my room. "What have I told you about kunai in the house?!" 

I slid down the railing of the stairs and turned the corner to go into the kitchen, but had to stop as mom and both my brothers were standing in the middle of the doorway, the boys looking down with guilty expressions. 

"S-Sorry, mom." Minato rubbed the back of his neck as he grinned. 

Mom wasn't having it though. With a sly grin, she twirled the kunai on her index finger and opened a lower cupboard beneath the sink. Grabbing a bucket and two scrub brushes, she tossed them at Minato. 

"Menma, Minato, you both get to clean the Hokage faces. You," she pointed to Menma who stuck out his lower lip in a pout, "after school. And you," She suddenly reached out and grabbed my twins ear between her index and thumb, pulling him back, "after your team meeting. Directly after. Understand?" 

"Yes, mother." Mom gave Minato's ear an extra tug, making him cringe before she let go. 

"Good," she laughed. 

"It's so lively this morning," Mom nearly jumped a foot in the air as dad came into the room, fully dressed in his Hokage robe, the hat handing from his neck behind him. He placed his arm around her waist and shot her a loving look. 

"Your sons decided to play with kunai in the house again," mom stated and crossed her arms over her chest. Dad grinned then started laughing, earning himself a sharp glare from mom as well as a smack to the chest. 

"Knock it off, idiot!" She snapped. Dad wrapped his other arm around her waist. 

"Sorry, love." Minato pointed his index finger to his mouth as he fake gagged. I myself had to cover my mouth with my hand to stifle a giggle. Menma just full out laughed. They're such idiots. "Now, you know your mothers rule about weapons in the house. If your not preparing for a mission then it stays in the cabinet." 

"Yeah, yeah." Minato rolled his eyes. 

"Minato Uzumaki, don't you dare take that tone." Mom warned. 

"Oooh, full name." Menma stared wide eyed at Minato. My twin opened his mouth, ready to fire his "totally awesome comeback" as he calls it, but I slapped the back of his head. 

"Idiot," I scolded my twin lightly as he held his head. I didn't exactly hit him gently..

"What was that for, Kisa?!" Minato glared at me, to which I returned with a glare of my own. 

"Mouthing off to mom." The corner of my lips tugged into a smirk. 

"Only mom can do that!" 

"She's with dad and can't reach. I just helped her." 

"That doesn't even count, idiot!" 

"Oh shut up," I crossed my arms over my chest. I swear, sometimes, he doesn't even act like he's fifteen. He acts like he's five. 

"You shut up, blondie!" 

Que groan. "Your blonde too, stupid." My eye was twitching at his idiocy. It surprises me sometimes. 

"W-Well your short!" 

"What the hell, Minato!" 

"BOTH OF YOU KNOCK IT OFF!" Dad backed away from mom as she glared between Minato and I. "Kisa, if you don't shut your mouth, you'll be joining you brothers." She turned to Minato. "One more word and you get to clean the Hokage faces AND the Hokage tower." 

"B-But mom-"

"Zip it!" 


"Oi! Uncle Kakashi!" Minato yelled as we entered the training grounds. Our silver haired uncle had his nose stuck in that orange book of his as he approached the training grounds. "Hurry up, old man!" 

"Hm?" Kakashi eyed my twin with slight annoyance. "I'm not that old.." 

"Whatever! Let's just get this spar over with so we can go get a mission." I watched as my twin bounced on his heels as he readied himself for our usual morning spar. It's Uncle Kakashi's way of making sure we don't need "extra training", or so he says.

We already passed the Chuunin exams, thanks to Kakashi and dads training. Mom also - somewhat - showed us how to make the curse useful. Yes, I inherited it too. It just didn't show until later, when I was seven and had this giant freak out. I don't even remember over what though...It sucks. But I'm able to control it. 

"Well, we're going to skip the training spar today and get straight to the mission, since Naruto says it's important. He wants you two to do a little task for him." Kakashi closed his his book and pushed it into his weapons pouch. 

"What kind of task?" I asked. 

"It's just a little errand," he said. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Of course he won't tell. That's dad's job. Kakashi glanced between Minato and i, before turning around and gesturing to follow him.

"Are you going with us this time?" I asked, falling into step beside him. Minato just followed a little back behind me. Our uncle peeked down at me.

"I don't see why Naruto would send me, it's only a delivery." He mused to himself.

"Oh, I see."

"Oi, old man!" Minato, who magically appeared on my right side, draped his arm across my shoulders as we reached the Hokage tower. "Race me, really quick before we go in." My twin grinned.

Kakashi blanched and eyed him warily. "One time," he said.

He's really going to do it?

"A once around the village. Dad isn't here yet!" Minato stepped away and Kakashi moved beside them.

"Are you really challenging him to a race? I thought that that was Gai's job." I sighed.

"Gai is on a mission. He asked me to keep uncle Kakashi busy with his usual challenges."

"Ready. Set. GO!" Minato took off with Kakashi right beside him.

Leaning against the wall, I decided to wait for them before I went in. Crossing my arms over my chest, I silently waited.

This shouldn't take long.


Dun Dun Duuuun~

Aaalright! Welcome to the Sequel of Not So Innocent.

This is all about Minato and Kisa, so the POV's may jump around a bit at times. Aaaaand in this book, I decided to start at age 15.

I really hope you guys like it!

Also. I reeeally need help with a cover if anyone could help me with that^^

Anyway, loves, I will begin my work on the next chapter! *Que Gai pose*

May the power of youth be with you!


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