The Wolf Stage Part 8

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Narrator: While Moonsoul was in his dream, when his body started to go dark.

Moonsoul: *attacks twilight*

Daisy: *runs and pushes her out of the way*

Alpha Luna: *tries to stop Moonsouls attack*

Moonsoul: *opens my eyes and stops before attacking Daisy*

Alpha Luna: *looks around* Is everyone okay?

Moonsoul: *looks around and falls down*

Twilight: *gets up* sis??

Alpha Luna: *runs toward Moonsoul* Are you okay?

Daisy: I'm okay mother, how is father?

Moonsoul: I'm okay I think. *tries to get up but falls down*

Twilight: *walks over to Daisy* Sis? *hugs her*

Alpha Luna: We need to get Phoenix to check him out and see if he's okay.

Daisy:Okay mother. I hope fathers okay.

Phoenix: We need to put the rose petals and the berries on his paw.

Moonsoul: Where did you get those petals and the berries??

Twilight: *walks outside*

Princess: Sis come play with me and brother.

Firestorm: Where's father?

Twilight: Oki *walks over and starts being silly*

Daisy: The petals and berries that were on the stove, i think they are done, we can see that'll work.

Phoenix: Okay try giving him some and make sure it is on his paw.

Daisy: *grabs a cup* Does he drink it or do we rub it on him?

Phoenix: rub it on him.

Daisy: Okay, here I'll pour some on his hand, and you rub it in. *lifts the cup up*

Moonsoul: *looks at luna*

Alpha Luna: *looks back and holds his good hand* It's going to be okay.

Phoenix: *rubs it on his paw*

Daisy: I sense a really big storm coming, we need to get twilight and the little ones back inside. *calls for them to come inside*

Moonsoul: *howls in pain*

Twilight: *haves the feeling that a big storm is coming and grabs the pups and runs inside*

Daisy: Thank you, I feel like there's a really bad storm coming.

Twilight: *puts the pups down and runs outside*

Moonsoul: *gets up and feels dizzy*

Phoenix: There's a side effect you can't get up or it will get worse. *looks at luna* We need to make sure he doesn't get up.

Moonsoul: *blacks out from the dizziness*

Alpha Luna: Will he be alright Phoenix?

Phoenix: I hope so. *looks at Moonsoul*

Moonsoul: Father stay away from Luna, Phoenix, Daisy, Twilight, and the pups OR ELSE!!!

Twilight: *runs to Daisy* He's talking about grandpa again.

Daisy: *runs up to her father* Father, father, wake up, youre talking in your sleep again.

Moonsoul: Daisy, where are you. *looks around in my sleep*

Daisy: *looks around* Phoenix, come help me wake my father up.

Phoenix: *walks over to them* Did you try throwing water at him? It always works when I do it. *smiles and remember the times i did it to him*

Daisy: no, but we can try. *grabs a cup and fills it with water.

Phoenix: *watches him still talking in his sleep*

Moonsoul: Father stay away from luna.

Daisy: *pors the water on him* Father wake up, wake up.

Moonsoul: *jumps up and looks around the room*

Daisy: Father, are you okay? You were dreaming again.

Moonsoul: I'm okay *looks outside and see someone in the woods*

Daisy: *looks at her father* Father, what do you see, is everything okay?

Moonsoul: It's my father, he's here we need to go. *tries to get up*

Alpha Luna: I got the little ones, girls help your father.

Daisy: on it mother.

Twilight: okay mom.

Moonsoul: *looks outside and my eyes widened*

Daisy: Come on father, we need to go, but where though? Is anywhere safe?

Moonsoul: My pack is the only place that is safe but they are in the mountains.

Alpha Luna: So we head to the mountains and try to get there as soon as we can. *takes off*

Moonsoul: *opens my wings*

Phoenix: The side effects should be gone now.

Daisy: I hope so, I really miss my father. But we all need to get going, and fast.

Moonsoul: I feel better and stronger. Hop on we can follow Luna since she knows the way.

Daisy: Are you sure father? Are you going to be okay?

Moonsoul: Yeah.

Daisy: *hops on*. I hope we get there in time, and father if you ever need a break, just let us know.

Twilight: yeah, we don't mind helping father.

Moonsoul: I will. *flies towards luna*

Alpha Luna: *looks back* Awwww, i love you sooo much

Moonsoul: *smiles at her*

Alpha Luna: *slows down so she can be next to Moonsoul*

Moonsoul: *caught up with luna*

Alpha Luna: *looks over, blushes and smiles* I missed you dear.

Moonsoul: Me too. *licks her*

Alpha Luna: *leans over and licks him back* *blushes*

Wolf Stage Moonsoul Edition The Light and The Dark©Where stories live. Discover now