The Wolf Stage Part 13

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Moonsoul: *tries to get up but falls back down*

Phoenix: *bites moonsouls leg* You're not getting away that easy.

Daisy: *takes off running to help them* I'm on the way. *grabbed some berries on the way*.

Moonsoul: I will not let you hurt anyone.

Phoenix: *bites his neck*

Daisy: *grabs Phoenix and pulls them apart*

Moonsoul: *feels myself becoming weak* *coughs out blood*

Daisy: Father, you need to head home, I'll help Phoenix.

Moonsoul: *looks at Daisy with a tear in my eye* *whispers I'm sorry*

Daisy: *runs to her father and picks him up* I'll drop you off at home and they can help you, and I'll help Phoenix.

Phoenix: *runs into the woods*

Daisy: *follows* Phoenix, where are you going, I need to talk to you.

Phoenix: *growls at her* Moon Knight will be here. *laughs*

Daisy: *turns around and crushes 3 berries together and grabbed some water, then mixed them up, and then holds the leaf out to Phoenix* drink this, this will help you, you need to drink it.

Phoenix: It won't work on me. *the scar started to glow on me*

Daisy: Then what will? I need your help, I can't do this on my own.

Phoenix: *backs up while the scar still glows*

Daisy: *looks into your eyes as i start to glow as if i tried to heal you* *tear falls* Please.

Phoenix: *falls down and the scar fades away* W-what happened, why does my mouth taste like blood?

Daisy: That's a long story, but we need to get back home, and we'll tell you then. *takes off* come on.

Phoenix: *nods and follows her*

Narrator: 2 minutes later.

Phoenix: Where is Moonsoul?

Daisy: *grabs you and takes you around the corner* You did that, but I healed you, so now we need to heal him, together.

Phoenix: *looks at Moonsoul* We can try.

Daisy: *starts to glow and takes a deep breath*.

Moonsoul: *coughs out more blood*

Phoenix: We need to take him to the pool of life. We don't have enough strength to heal him all the way.

Daisy: Okay, let's go. *grabs her father and takes off*.

Phoenix: *follows her*

Daisy: *lands and place him next to the water*

Phoenix: Did he tell you how to do this?

Daisy: No, but I'm sure we can find a way. *puts my paw in the water and then on her fathers neck* *starts to glow*.

Moonsoul: *opens my eyes a little and see Daisy and give a weak smile*

Daisy: *tears up and smiles* Father it's you, you're back! *hugs you with tears*

Moonsoul: *hugs back* *sees the full moon above us*

Daisy: *grabs you and takes you home as fast as we could* We're here, and Father is to stay inside.

Sunsoul: *smiles at them and looks at Moonsoul and see a scar on his neck and hugs him*

Daisy: How were the kids? *grabs things to make dinner with*

Wolf Stage Moonsoul Edition The Light and The Dark©Where stories live. Discover now