Pt 1

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Sitting in his office, drinking coffee and doing paperwork when the door busted open.

"Grey! what did I tell you about knocking?" The man said with a stern tone, not taking his eyes off the paperwork.

"I'm so so sorry sir, You weren't answering your pages so The Chief sent me down here. He needs you stat and-." She rambled.

"Ok, get out of here!" He announced, having heard enough.

"He needs to get laid." She muttered under her breath, low enough for only her to hear.

The dirty blonde turned around and walked out, slamming the door.

Arrogant bastard she thought as she walked down the hallway, possibly trolling for surgery. She had been working along side the Chief all day in General surgery. Before the encounter with Mcasshole, she was having a pretty decent day. Got to watch a surgery, comfort a patient, prep a patient, and charted. Way better then being in the pit.

"Ah there's my favorite intern!" A voice spoke behind Meredith, causing her to glance back as the guy jogged to catch up with her.

"Shut it Sloan, you don't like interns." She replied, taking the 2nd coffee out of his left hand. She took a sip and sighed. "Good coffee."

"I made a intern get it." He smirked, sipping his own coffee as they walked down the hallway together.

"Of course. You absolutely hate interns."

"I make exceptions for you Grey, only you."

"What do you want?" Meredith finally said stopping at a nurse station. "Room 2213 chart please. Thank you."

She flipped opened the chart, not paying attention to mark anymore/

"What has you in a mood? Aw is it that time of month again?" He joked, nudging her slightly in the arm.

"Ass. No it's Shepherd, he a fricking asshole." She rolled her eyes

"What did he do this time?"

"Just... ass. He yelled at me for coming into his office and getting him because the chief needed him."

"Hum I wonder why the Chief needed him."

"Shouldn't you be doing a surgery or something and not gossiping?"

"I have time for tea, I always have time for tea and you are the one who started it." Mark stated as a matter of factly.

"God you are so annoying."

"You love me."

"No I actually hate you."

"You are a terrible lair." He laughed rolling his eyes. "Well I have to get going, stop being a bitch."

"Cant stop me." Meredith said as he walked away.

"Bye." He called out, already down the hall.

Meredith rolled her eyes and got back to the chart. Her shift being almost over, she just had some charts to update and troll fro surgery's until the end of her shift.


"Chief, you needed to see me?" Derek poked his head into the office.

"Ah yes Shepherd, come on in." Richard gestured to the seat across from him.

Derek walked in and had a seat.

"Now Derek, I've had many complaints about you. Being rude and hateful towards the nurses and everyone else on my staff. People are threatening to quit because of your bogus behavior! If you don't calm down and get your shut together, your getting fired."

"Dr Webber, I'm going through a hard time. You can't fire me for that!"

"Keep your personal life out of the hospital, got it."

"Is that all?"

"No. I would like you to take on teaching a specific intern."


"This is a teaching hospital. Meredith Grey is showing very promising work, I think she would be a great fit in neruo. I would like her to be on your service for a while. J thought that you might be able to teach her."

"Ugh why?"

"Because you are the best for her. Also it's a order, not a suggestion."

"Fine. Ok I'll do it sir."

"Ok you are good to leave."

-645 words-  

What do you guys think? Please give me suggestions to improve!!! Bye people!

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