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summary : reader is on her period and gets really bad cramps and Florence comforts you x

Warnings :None

You wake up to the sound of your alarm quickly opening your eyes to become exited for the fun filled day you and Florence [your girlfriend] have been planning for the past month or so. But your smile is quickly wiped off your face as you look down at yours and Florence's bed and notice the patch of dark, red blood.                                                                                                                               "Shit, no not today please god please not today of all days" you whisper in case you wake up Flo but when you look next to you notice for the fist time that the beautiful blond is not there. Good you think to yourself as now you can clean up the bed and not tell Flo about your period so that you can still go out on the day shes has been talking about for weeks. But as you go to stand up , you feel like you have been hit by a wreaking ball in the stomach .You quickly try to shake it off and continue trying to change the bed as you are doing so the cramps get more violent and harder to ignore every time you move. 

After the longest and most painful 10 minutes of attempting to change the bed you fall onto your side and curl up into a ball on the bed with tears threatening to fall from your eyes as to how much pain you are in .After about 10 minutes of hugging your stomach very tightly due to the amount of pain you were in and quietly sobbing , Flo comes into the room.                                                 "Y/N baby are you awake?" she asks walking into the room but once she sees you in the state you are , her facial expression turns from happy to concerned .                                                                       "Y/N whats wrong ? Baby what happened?" Florence questioned.                                                                   "Nothing I'm okay can we go out yet? " you say trying to wipe your tears away.Yet before she can answer, you groan and tightly grab your stomach in pain.                                                                        "Oh honey. Have you gotten your period?" she asks in a very soft voice.You quickly shake your head                                                                                                                                                                                             "No I'm fine don't worry about me i just want to go out with you today and I'm sure i'll feel fine later"

"No way, we are staying right here all day and watching movies as well as cuddling and eating pints of ice cream " she protests wiping awake the rest of your tears off the side of your face.            "But Flo you've been waiting to go out for weeks i don't want to be stupid and ruin your day because of something so dumb as period cramps " you babble on whilst looking at your hands as the Guilt starts to get to you even more now.                                                                                                       "Y/N baby its okay i honestly don care where we are in the world as long as I'm with you okay so i would happily love to stay at home all day and cuddle. Okay?" she states looking into your eyes.                                                                                                                                                                                             "Okay .i love you" you whisper still looking into her eyes.                                                                                    "i love you to now  you go and have a nice hot shower and I'm going to go and make some fresh chocolate chip cookies cause i know you love them so much and then we can watch what ever movies you like " she says before she gently kisses your lips and leaves the room.

The rest of the day was filled with gentle kisses and cuddling all day,you were still in pain because of you cramps but being with Florence helped you focus on being happy instead of in pain.

A/N : I am open to requests to please vote and request anything you want and ill try to do it.

Word count : 642

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