✎ᝰJudging Rubrics

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All the judges must follow these rubrics while judging the book so make sure you read it all carefully. Special categories will be judged by the hosts!

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Title: [_/10]
-Does it relate to the book in one way or another? Is it too revealing, too confusing or just perfect? Is it enough to raise curiosity and make you intrigued?

Book Cover: [_/5]
-Is it alluring? Does it give you an idea of the genre? Is the title and tha faceclaim visible? Does it fit the story?

Blurb: [_/5]
-After reading the blurb, were you excited to know the story? Does it give you an idea of the story? Is it too revealing? Is it intriguing?

Explanations and descriptions: [_/10]
-How good did the author describe the scenes? Could you imagine the scenarios? Feel the emotions? Does it make the book lively? Things like *cries* *laughs* *chokes* and abbreviations like *lmao* *lol* *wtf* shouldn't be there unless it's not about two people texting each other so cut marks for them.

Characters & Character Development: [_/10]
-A character needs to have a purpose, motivation and no matter if it's a Protagonist or Antagonist it needs to have a flaw to make it realistic. An Antagonist can't be purely evil and same way a Protagonist can't be purely good. The characters needs to have a proper physical, social and psychological dimension.
-Character Development is necessary as well. A story goes on within a time period so as you know in real life a person changes according to time, it can be either in a good or in a bad way. As a story is supposed to go according to characters actions you must see a brief development in them.

Writing style: [_/10]
-Writing style makes a great difference. If a story's plot is interesting but the writing sucks, a reader will eventually lose interest at a certain point. Sometimes the plot is simple but writing makes the book drift near the readers mind, you must see the beauty of words in a book. Writing style varies from person to person and story to story, people do have their own way of describing things but it needs to be intriguing. So, make sure of it.

Grammar/Vocabulary: [_/10]
-No typos, no short forms, use of perfect punctuations, etc. Deduct marks accordingly.
-Vocabulary depends on the genre, the execution or the plot, for example, if it's a sci-fi, horror or fantasy the writer needs to give us that feel through his/her vocabulary. Like, if the story goes on in medieval time about a royal family then the vocabulary needs to go according to that.

Emotional Impact: [_/05]
-How good were the emotions portrayed? If it's a scene about someone's death or anything else related to sadness, do you feel the sadness? If it's a scene about a reunion or anything happy, is the happiness evident?

Plot: [_/20]
-Plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story. A plot is what makes a story a story. It gives the story—character development, suspense, energy, and emotional release.
You must see these five elements in the plot:
•Rising Action
•Falling action

Plot Execution Structure: [_/05]
-The plot needs to have a flow, the conflicts throughout the story needs to give you hints, the plot must not be in front of you just like that in fact it needs to come out with a proper structure.

Enjoyment: [_/10]
- Did you enjoy reading the book? Was it captivating enough for you?

Total: [_/100]

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