chapter 1: love at first sight

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chapter 1: love at first sight

Everyone in class 1a is talking until aizawa starts the class and explains the new arrival to the class.

''Shut up!'' he commanded ''we have a new student joining us today'' excited the class questions

''who!'' they say impatiently until they all hear a knock on the door and aizawa motions you in

''come in y/n'' he says with a reassuring smile knowing your probably nervous. you walk in and everyone stares at you curiously, you get a sudden spike of anxiety in your stomach and hide your face with your wing whilst avoiding eye contact with any of them, you do however smile at aizawa shyly and he smiles back until he turns his attention back to the class '

'this is y/n, make sure to make her feel welcomed, but don't over do it like you always do, if she gets anxious just back off'' he says in his sleep deprived self.

You wave shyly at them and give a little smile until aizawa instructs you do sit next to Denki and Kirishima, you nod and sit in the chair next to them.

''hi! I'm Eijiro Kirishima'' ''And I'm Denki Kaminari!'' say two boys, one with red spikey hair and the other with yellow hair with a strip of black in it.

''Ok do what you wish, just don't wake me up'' says aizawa in a sleepy tone zipping up his sleeping bag and drifting of to sleep, you giggle a little at this until the whole of class 1a walks over to introduce themselves.

''Hi I'm Izuku Midoriya, but you can call me Deku if you like!" says a sweet boy with hair resembling broccoli "and I'm Ochako Uraraka, it's nice to meet you!" says a bubbly girl with a bright smile "my name is Tenya Iida, I'm the class representative, nice to meet you" says a tall boy with glasses whilst shaking his hand.

Three other people walk over to you and introduce themselves "I'm Mina Ashido!" says a girl with pink skin and horns protruding out of her hair "and I'm Hanta Sero" says the boy with a friendly tone, you smile at them until you get startled by the 3rd person "what's your quirk you damn nerd!" his aggressive tone causes you to get scared and flinch, Eijiro ask you if your ok "woah, hey are you ok?" he asks concerned, in response you nod your head avoiding eye contact with Kirishima.

after everyone has introduced themselves you hear Denki say

"hey hot stuff, I love your wings they're so massive!" he says flirtatiously making you giggle and turn bright red nervously, Kirishima thinks to himself

"awww, so cute" thinking this Kirishima blushes bright red

"ooooo~ kiri's blushing, I smell a ship!" says Mina enthusiastically causing you and Kirishima to blush, you hide your face out of embarrassment

"sh-shut up Mina" Kirishima stuttered, Ochako gave Mina a glare telling her to stop embarrassing you two

"jeez Ochako, no need to give me a death stare" she responds, after they both laugh you feel a foreign sensation come out of nowhere causing you to shake and get shivers up your spin, Kirishima notices how anxious you just got and decides to speak up

"hey bro, I don't think she likes that" Kirishima says to Denki

"oh I'm sorry, I really should have asked, I didn't mean to make you nervous" Denki says apologizingly, he stops touching your wing and you smile forgivingly at him, you smile brightly at Kirishima thanking him and he does the same thing back, your startled by Bakugou again.

"Oi y/n, what's your damn quirk!?" he questions, a sudden wave of relief washes over you when Deku stands up for you.

"come on kacchan stop being mean"

a mutants love Vol 1 (Eijiro Kirishima x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now