chapter 5: graduation

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5 months later

you are now near the end of your third and final year of hero training and you are also close to becoming a licenced X-Man, you have now managed to gain full control over your returned abilities and the new ones you have also gained, control over- your new, much more powerful form.

after returning back to the academy after your full week you have started to work more on you arm, you have put a cover on it so that it looks like a real arm which Alita controls, you have also added new weapons to you valet that you can summon at any time, you have also modified your new uniform/ hero costume by adding a heater in it for when it is winter times so it is easier for you to fight.

you are currently at UA preparing for your graduation and planning the graduation party, since you have all finished your final exams there is no need for you to attend classes but you also have optional training days which you definitely attend since you can't do any X-Men training whilst on school campus.

Monday morning

today is one of the days where you can do optional training from 8:30 till 4:30, you are waken up at 6am by your phone alarm, you quickly get up and turn off your alarm and you go and take a shower and get dressed into your training outfit, you decide to wear your black and red leggings, sports bra and a jacket since it is midway through Autumn.

you put your hair up into a tight bun and put on some hairspray to keep it in place whilst you are training, you head downstairs to eat some breakfast before you head to the training grounds, you are busy making some porridge until you feel someone grab your hips, you turn around and put a gun to the persons head but quickly withdraw it when you realise it is just Kirishima.

"oh sorry babe, I didn't know it was you" you said cupping his cheek, he laughs nervously and holds your hand, "It's ok pebble, I know you would never hurt me" he said, you raised your eyebrow, "ok I know you won't put me in hospital" he said making you laugh.

"no I would never intentionally hurt you" you said, he kissed your cheek and you did the same making him smile, you smiled back at him and returned to making your porridge, "watcha making babe?" he asked grabbing your hips again, "porridge" you replied, he looked at you surprised and asked you, "since when did you like porridge?" he asked, you laughed at this.

"I've liked it for a while now, I think since I joined the academy since that was what they mainly had" you said, "is it good?" he asked and you nodded your head putting it in the microwave, you turned around kissed him gently and he kissed you back, "how are you feeling today?" you asked him pulling away, "I'm a little tired but ok" he said with a smile.

"ok good" you said smiling back at him until you heard the microwave go off, you turned around and grabbed the edges of the bowl and went over to the table, Kirishima sat next to you, "can I try some?" he asked with puppy dog eyes, you smiled at him and gave him a spoon full of it, he ate it and his eyes widened, "damn, that's really good! can I have some more?" he asked, you shook your head and he made his puppy dog eyes again, "I can show you how to make some?" you said swallowing your food.,

he smiled and nodded his head, "ok then, let me finish mine then I will show you" you said making him kiss your cheek, "aww, thanks baby" he said, after you finished you showed him how to make some porridge, "wow this is really easy, how long in the microwave?" he asked.

"1min and 30seconds" you said and he nodded his head, after he finished his porridge you both went to the training grounds to train together, like always, you two were the only ones there, you both did some combat training against each other and you won most of the fights leaving Kirishima with a lot of bruises and scratches, you helped him up and you both used the equipment in the gym for the rest of the day.

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