chapter 2: dungeons and dragons

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You and kiri have been dating for nearly six months, during this time you have gained much more confidence, you do however still struggle with your quirk in a sense of If you become to overwhelmed you start to lose control, you have also discovered that your quirk is linked to your emotions so recovery girl is teaching you techniques on how to control your emotions.

you have also found a way to communicate with your sister from a long distance so now you two have become much closer to each other, you have also gotten to meet your two nephews, Billy and Thomas Maximoff.

It's Monday morning and class is about to start, everyone is talking amongst themselves.

"shut up!" ordered Aizawa, the chatter immediately stops and the class look at Aizawa, "I have some good news" he says with a smile, you all look at him curiously.

"what is it?!" you all ask.

"maybe a new student?" wondered Deku.

"that would be so cool!" said Mina.

"if you shut up you will find out!" he responded, they both quickly apologised, "mhm, in 2 weeks we are attending an event" he says, you all look at him excited.

"what is it sir?" wondered Denki.

"It's a sacred event, it has been around for a millennium, I think it would be important for you to experience it" he answered, you look at him confused until you realise what he is talking about which makes you smile brightly, "wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?" you asks.

"yep, we are going to the spirit festival!" he announces.

"YAY!!" you celebrate.

"what is it babe?" asks Kirishima.

"yeah what is it?" also asks Denki, you smile at them and quickly answer.

"It's an event where spirits and humans can join in harmony" you answer.

"wow sounds fun!" says Mina listening in.

"It is! but question is how are we gonna get there?" you think to yourself.

"on a bus you stupid idiot!" answered Bakugou.

"nope, It's kind of held in Sokovia, my sisters home" you answer.

"oh don't worry about that, we are going to take a flight there" answers aizawa, you smile at him and he smiles back, "hey y/n!" says Deku turning around to face you.

"hi Deku!" you reply.

"what is going to be at this festival?" asks Deku curiously, you smile at him at answer with.

"It's so much fun! there's a market, music, dancing and spirits obviously"

"wait a minute, isn't Sokovia in war?" asked Momo confused.

"parts of it are, we are going into Wanda's neck of the woods, there is no war there" you answer reassuringly, "sounds fun!" said Kirishima, "I'm looking forward to it!" he says.

"Same, I'm gonna get to see my two nephews!" you say jumping up and down from the excitement with a smile going from ear to ear, "hahahaha! you're getting really excited aren't yah" he says, you nod at him still jumping, "haha! c'mere!" he says and you jump into his arms and hug him tightly, you both laugh together until Kirishima kisses you calming you down a little.

Denki starts to think to himself and asks, "wait you have two nephews?" he says looking at you confused, you nod at him, "yeah, my nephews are billy and Thomas, I also have a niece from my other big sister, my niece is called Dawn" you explain to him.

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