Wanripas (Grim Reaper) backstroy

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When wanripa was little she was a happy soul but her family is a dark family. Her family killed a lot of people so did wanripa but that didn't stop her from being happy. Her family was always happy around each but not to other people. One day the people that my family kill their family wanted revenge.

One day it was a happy day for them that is the day they don't kill only one day tho. They hear thuds and people running in. Her mom grabs her and takes her to her hiding spot in the ground. Her mother says " aris, you have to stay here do not come out till me, your dad, or bother come get you. Ok." Wanripa or Aris looks at her mother.

Aris says " ok mommy." He mother looks back when she hears her husband scream. She looks at aris scared but she turns back to normal.

Her mom says " I love you aris, don't forget that." She looks like she is going to cry which is not normal she never cry's.

Wanripa says " I love you too mommy." Her mom kisses her forehead and shuts the lid and runs into the fight. All wanripa hears is her moms, dads, brothers and, the peoples screams.

A few minutes later is quiet a little too quiet. Wanripa opens the lid. Wanripa walks out of the pace into where the fight was and saw her mom, dad, and brother dead on the floor some of the other people are dead but she couldn't count before the fight happened so she doesn't know if they all are dead.

She drops down too her knees and grabs her mother and cry into her dead body. She lefts her head up and screams of pain and anger.

She drags her mom, dad, and brothers dead body out of the tent and into a soft land. She digs three holes for her family. She puts them in and puts the dirt over them and cry's. She stands up with a face of anger, sadness, and revenge.

She goes into her village with blood all over her some of her people ask if she is ok, she doesn't answer. She gets to her tent and goes in she grabs her sword, and daggers. She walks out of her tent and just started to kill everyone. She could hear is everyone's screams and cry's of mercy.

She gets to where her leaders tent is and walks in with blood on her. Her leader looks at her and ask " is everything ok I heard screams." Wanripa walks up to her.

She says " yea everything is ok, but you are not going to be." She stabs her sword into her and watch her leader slow die. She watches the life leave her eyes as her body slides off her sword and into the floor. She looks at her leader and says " i have now killed your whole village I will become known as the kid who killed her whole village and soon everyone will know of me and I will make them all bow to me or they will die." She turns and walks out of the tent. Walks through the blood and dead body's.

She gets to the front of the village and makes a fire she gets some on a stick she through it towards her village. She makes more and throw them into every tent.

She watch the village burn down and turns and walks away from the village as the fire burns down. She smirks as she walks away.

Later on people calls her Wanripa and tells everyone her story. When she would she people in the woods she would kill them or let them leave in harmed no one let her in there village.

She hears about praimfaya she wonder how she is going to survive. She watch through the conclave without anyone knowing. She watch as Octavia wins the conclave and makes wonkru.

While they were trying to open the bunker cause skikru took the bunker. Her inter self was talking to her it says " you know you can sneak in their to live right?"

Wanripa says " yea I know but I don't think I should what if I get caught."

Her inter self says " I heard the flamkeeper has the flame you can trick a skikru person and get the flame and lead these people and become powerful and get the help of Octavia." Wanripa thinks for a minute when the bunker opens and man comes out.

Octavia says something when Wanripa says "  let's become-" her and her inter self says " powerful!" They sneak into the bunker while they sneak in she smirks as she hides. She sits there and waits till a skikru person comes by. She gets his help and becomes the commander.


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