Finding out i am wanripa

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46 days after praimfaya after she has became heda

I was watching Octavia and Miller training when Indra comes in and says "Octavia, heda," me and Octavia looks at her. She says " the delegates have assembled." Octavia gets up and I go to Indra too.

Octavia says " dressing me up doesn't fool anyone." She helps Miller up. She says " my blood is red, and it always will be." Miller and Octavia puts their swords up and looks at Indra.

I speak up and say " that's why I'm here." She turns at looks at me.

She says " why can't you just lead? Why do I have to help."I look at her and so does Indra.

I say " you are strong Octavia I can see it, that's why I want your help."Octavia looks down for a few seconds then back up.

She says " I'm not a leader." I look at her and Miller turns and looks at her.

I say " you will become a powerful leader by my side I will help you." Octavia looks at me a few seconds and then nods.

Indra speaks up and a few minutes of silence and says " symbols matter, Octavia, these symbols." Octavia turns to Indra and so do I. Indra says " trust me. The more people connect you to them, the easier it is for you to help lead with heda." We put on the commander armor and walk out with Indra.

Me and Octavia walk side by side down the hallway of the bunker. We see niylah ( I forgot how to spell it lol) and I get distant a little so she can talk to Octavia but I get where I can hear.

Niylah says " the champion of wonkru and the commander of wonkru." She bows down.

Octavia says " stop." Niylah gets back up.

Niylah says " look what I found." As she go back to her cart and grabs a book and shows Octavia. She says " I know Bellamy used to read you the parts about Ancient Rome." As Octavia opens the book I look back and see Indra standing there then turn back to Octavia.

Octavia says " hmm. " I intend to speak of forms changed into new enitities." " she nods her head and looks at niylah. She says " thank you. We're sparing tomorrow. Promise." I look at niylah to see her answer.

Niylah Hums a yes and nods her head. I see they are finished and say " Indra." And walk off with Octavia by my side and Indra following us. Indra takes the book form Octavia.

We see Gaia and Octavia says " great. Here we go again." As we walk towards her. Octavia puts her hands up and says " complain to your mother." I stop and turn to gaia.

I say " Octavia is my co-leader sense she won the conclave she may be a red blood but she is my helper and if you don't like that you will not be my flemkeeper." Gaia looks down.

Gaia says " yes heda." And I follow after Octavia while Indra talks to gaia.

The leader of sangeda says " Cabor of delphikru stole blankets from sangeda quarters!" While looking at the leader of delpikru.

The leader of delphikru says " a brazen lie!" While the leader turn to the other leader.

The leader of sangeda says " there are witnesses; his quilt is not in question. By sangedakru law he should be stoned and his family cast out." Me and Octavia looks at each in confusion.

Kane sits up and says " and on the ark, he would have been floated, but surely here, we can instill a justice system where the punishment fits the crime." As the other leaders look at Kane.

The leader of sangeda says " the crime was against us; and our justice should prevail." Me and Octavia looks at each then to Indra.

Me and Octavia say " so much for wonkru." As Indra looks at us.

Indra says " osleya and heda is right. There are no separate clans here. You do well not to forget that." As Indra looks at the leaders.

Sangeda leader says " all right. Then what punishment does heda and osleya impose?" Me and Octavia look each then to the leader.

I say " for stealing blankets? Give them back." Each leader look at each. I say " what's next?" No one speaks cause there is a thudding sound we all look up towards the celling.

Kane puts his hand up and whispers " shh. Quiet." We all look up and hear thudding. Kane stands up and pushes his chair back and whisperers " somebody's out there." And goes off to see if he can see if someone is there.

As he went and did that me and Octavia went into a room while chaos was happening outside. We were standing there until all a sudden some girl came in with jaha behind her. Abby was in their with us when speaks up when they walk in, " I take it you already know." Me and Octavia look at Indra then back at jaha and the girl.

Jaha replies back, " everybody knows."

Indra speaks up," why is she here?" Indra speaks what I think everyone was thinking about she continues, " she's not an engineer."

Jaha replies to Indra, " Kara runs the hydroponic farm just like she did on the ark. You need to hear what she has to say." I roll my eyes of boredom.

Octavia speaks up from beside me, " here are blueprint." Pointing her head towards the blueprints, " go ahead."

Jaha says, " I don't need the blueprints. I studied them well enough before taking this bunker for our people." I shake my head and roll my eyes

I begin to speak, " th-"  but Octavia shakes her head at me I step back and listen.

Jaha continues, " you want to know if there's another way out." He takes a long pause and then says, " there isn't." We all sit in a room of silence. Abby walks over and takes a seat.

Kane speaks up marking his presence none to me cause I didn't even know he was in here, " well, this changes nothing. We can't survive outside for the next 5 years, anyway, that means we have 5 years to solve this problem. What would it take to cut around the hatch or break through an outer wall?"

Kane starts to point at the blueprints saying, " you point me to a weak spot, I'll get you a team that can break through."

Jaha cuts him off, " you're not listening. Even if we could cut around the hatch, which we can't, I'm guessing that the tower collapsed above us, which means thousands of tons of rubble. As far as the outer wall, that's 12 inches of solid steel  surrounded by bedrock, there are no vulnerabilities, and we don't have the equipment to exploit them if there were," ugh this speech is too long I just zone out.


Ok this is too long I am going to continue this in a next chapter

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