Finding out i am wanripa part 2

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I zone out untill I hear this girl name Kara speak up, " there's a more pressing issue." That made me really listen. " the hydro farms yield won't support us beyond those 5 years." Great what are we going to do now.

Kara continues, " even if we replace the medicinal fields with food producers and rotate them for nutrient diversity, will eventually lead to a mass die off."I roll my eyes So many smart words so annoying.

Jaha speaks up, " for the plants and for us." I just roll my eyes again.

Indra speaks up from beside me, " why's are just hearing of this now?" This Kara girl looks at jaha then back to us.

Kara says, " before now, I could manage it. When she allowed 1,200 people into this bunker, and this one agreeing on it after some how becoming the heda," pointing at me and Octavia, " it was based on 5 year calculations." Me and Octavia just look at her.

Octavia speaks up, " you're blaming us for this?" I just glare at Kara.

Kara speaks up just looking at Octavia knowing she would back off if she looked at me, " you forced your own people out into that fire and for what?" I just want to kill her right now and show everybody who I am but I have to wait for the right moment.

Indra speaks up, " get her out of here." But no seems to listens she just stands there.

Kara speaks up, " this bunker wasn't y'all's to give." Know talking to both of us.

Jaha says, " cooper " trying to stop her but she just cuts him off.

She says, " jaha found it. It belonged to us. Y'all had to right." Jaha grabs her shoulder as Kane walks up.

Kane says, " that's enough." Her and Octavia has a stare down till she looks at me she immediately put her head down and walks out.

I lean forwards and say for the first time, " what the hell is her problem?" Looking at jaha.

Abby speaks up for jaha " Kara's father died in the culling on the ark, and her husband, well, he didn't make the cut for the bunker." Jaha looks over to her and so do i.

Jaha says " she's done the math. She knows we'll have to consider population reduction yet again." I look at jaha while he speaks.

I speak up yet again, " not a change." But if we was she would be the first person to go.

Octavia says " if we need an engineer again, we will let you know." As Indra walks to the door and opens it. Jaha have one more look at me and Octavia and left.

Indra told the guards outside, "escort him to skaikru's bunk room. Post a team on the door. Go!" She shuts the door and turns to us. She says " we should increase the guard presence on every floor, I suggest assigning them to their own clans."

Kane speaks up, " I'll segregate meal times and convene the delegates."

Abby says " let's just get back to the fact that there are too many people in this bunker." I shake my head.

I say," let's not." While looking down, and Kane agrees with me.

Kane says " it's not a decision for today, but, as much as I hate to say it, Jana's right." While turning to me and Octavia.

I turn to him and say " he is not in charge here. Neither are you or the delegates. Me and Octavia is, and we didn't save us all so we could just kill ourselves." Octavia nods.

Kane says, " heda, This isn't a game." I just glared at him.

Indra says, " heda, and osleya had decided."

Kane speaks again, " no offense, but your champion hasn't been very interested in leading with your heda." Looking at Indra.

Indra says, " she's interested now." Looking towards Kane "What happens if we go half rations? Does that buy us more time?" Asking abby.

Abby says, " theoretically, yes, but we're already at baseline. It won't be long before we start seeing cases. Of adaptive thermogenesis, starvation response."

Octavia speaks up, " will we survive or not?" Looking towards Abby.

Abby says " we'll survive. we'll just wish we didn't." Not looking towards Octavia.

Kane says " some of us already do." Looking at Abby and Abby not looking back.

We just go into silence until I break it saying, " then we go to half rations." As me and Octavia gets up.


Me and Octavia walk into jahas bunk room to see a grounder beating him I grab my sword out and put it the grounders neck and say " stand down now." Miller had a gun to the grounders back.

Miller says " we secured the hallway. Everyone's alive." Nyliah and a little boy named Ethan come out of no where.

Nyliah says " what's going on?, there talking about taking back the farm." Ethan was in jahas arms while me and Octavia looks at Nyliah.

Indra says " yes. Skaikru sealed the door and our fate. will die for this." The man looks scared while I smirk and look at him.

Octavia looks at Indra and says " no." I looks at Octavia as my smirk drops.

Indra says " this is not like stealing blankets." I nod

Octavia looks at me and Indra, " they're scared, Indra, hungry." She turns to the man and says " tell your friends that me and heda will find a way to take the farm back." The man runs off and I put my sword up and miller puts his gun up.

Miller says " safe to say skaikru's screwed." I nod my head

Jaha says " our other bunk rooms will be the first place they look."

I speak up and says, " go room to room. Take everyone you find and bring them to the rotunda. We can protect them there." Miller nods and so does jaha.

Jaha says "yeah." While him and miller heading out with Ethan in his arm

I say " not you" putting a arms out to stop him. He looks around.

Jaha then said, " ok," while putting Ethan down ," look I need you to go with Nathan, all right, and I'll see you as as I-"

Ethan says " no. I want to stay with you."

Jaha says, " look, look. Come here." While pulling him in a hug. He says " you'll be ok."

Octavia looks at Nyliah and says " you should go with them. You'll be safer."

Nyliah says " safety's overrated. I'm with you."

Miller says, " let's go." Picking up Ethan and leaving. Jaha stands up. 

Indra walks over and says " blueprints." Handing jaha them and Looking at him

Jaha says, " I'm guessing you need me to open another unopenable door."

I says " if you can't, we're all dead." We all just look at each other.


Another chapter yay

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