im here!

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***camdyn's pov***

I was awoken by a stupid little ignorant child who was slaming his feet to the back of my chair. I rolled my eyes before i turned around
"Excuses me but can you please stop kicking my chair?"
"NO! MUMMY!!!!! THIS OLD LADY IS BEING MEAN!!!" He screamed bloody murder to his mum who now joined the conversation
"Don't talk to my child! Are you okay mason?! Did the MEAN lady hurt you?!" When she said mean she gave me the death look so i just slowly turned around. As i did a middle aged woman who i assumed worked there asked me what i wanted to drink
"Um do you have diet Pepsi?"
"Sure we do" she smiled and handed me my drink
"Oh i was wondering can we use our electronic devices yet?"
"Yep you sure can" she walked on the the next person before i could say thanks to her. So i pulled out my phone and DMed phil
Ugh i hate plane rides!
I agree with you totally!
This kids mother is about to kill me for asking her child to stop kicking the back of my seat
Oh :( that sucks!
Yeah hopefully she doesn't DX
how long till your plane arives?
Um about 3 hours if im right!
Great! In 3 hours i get to see your beautiful face!
I blused a deep red while a big smile tugged on my lips creeping from ear to ear 'oh my god! He just called me beautiful!' I thought before i texted back
you soo sweet!
Well i try to be ❤

***Phil's pov***

Dan looked at me "are you kidding me! You said you wouldn't text Camdyn!"
"Im sorry! I just wanted to see when she was going to be here i promise on my life i wont text her again!"
"Can i trust you?"

***3 hours later***

"You may now exit the plane" a voice came over a intercom teling us we have landed and its time to go. I waited for my friend Madysen who has lived there for 3 years now to pick me up
"Hey doll face!"
"Oh hey, Madysen!"
"Ready to go?"
"Yes! Let go!" I grabbed all my luggage and walked to her car but not before i texted Phil telling him where to meet me and of course i said Starbucks. Madysen and i went to Starbucks and waited for Dan and Phil to come. All of a sudden i saw him i saw Dan Howell and Phil Lester and i ran over to Phil and he recognize me and hugged me for what seemed like a hour and of course i hugged back but before he set me down he spun me around and wispered "I'm so happy your here!"

How was it!!! I think it was good! And i tried as hard as i could to write a lot and i think i did! And i might write again tonight! So yeah! Hope you like it!

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