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***Camdyn's pov***

"Hey Madysen want to go to Dan and Phils with me?"
"Sure but its almost midnight"
"Yeah I know"
"Okay lets go" we both grabbed our purses and left

***at Dan and Phils***

I knocked in the door then Phil answed it "Camdyn! Madysen! Come in" i smiled and walked over the threshold to the living room "Where is Dan?" I asked "He went to a party" Phil answer a little sad "probably gonna laid then be drunk as f***" Madysen said "awww to bad he won't be screwing you" i put on a pouty face the she laughed. I looked up at Phil and he winked at me and i bit my lower lip "so hows the nose?" Phil asked "still hurts but it's a lot better now" he smiled "so i can kiss it now?" I swong my legs ovet the top of the couch leaving the rest of my body shaped like the couch and my head almost touching the floor "yep!" he kneeled down and kissed it "EWWWWW! NO PDA!" Madysen said covering her eyes "omg Madysen! Are you for real?" I said laughing my ass off "well duh!" She uncovered her eyes "that is not PDA this is PDA" i kissed Phil oh the lips "EWWW!!!!" Laughing i pulled away and Phil gave me a puppy dog face

MORE COMING TONIGHT! SO DONT BE MAD I DIDNT DO KUCH THIS IS JUST A PREVIEW!! And sad news im single again .-. Forever alone *sad frog meme shows up*

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