Diary, have you ever had your mum take you to a place where it is all open and you are able to run around? Well+ that is what Mum is doing to me and my brother right now. She says that we need to healthy so that we can live a long life. I say she only does it so that she can get in shape. Well, i know that she can, and that she also does it for us. You know how mums are, always looking after us. They always love us, and care for us. How nice. I wonder where the idea that the person who gave to you is your mum. I mean it makes sense and all that but, where did it come from? Who was the person that told the world what a mum was?Anyway I am also trying to get into shape. But it really is hard for me. I don't eat a lot of trash like my brother does. He is still skinnier than I am. Well I know that he is eight and is supposed to weigh less than I do, but still how is he not gaining weight?? Don't you just hate when people are like that?