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Fluke woke up groggily, he felt tired and when he glanced at the clock, he hurriedly stood up and prepared dinner for him and p'ohm. His boyfriend is still asleep so he tucked him properly to make him comfortable, inserted a pillow under his arms and kissed his cheeks.

I went to the kitchen and cooked chicken katsu with rice and made chocolate bubble milk tea for p'ohm. I was about to wake p'ohm when he went out himself while rubbing his eyes showing that he's still sleepy.

I welcomed him with a hug which he gladly received and hugged me tighter in return. After the much heated hug we ate dinner and I was satisfied that he loved everything. For a foodie like p'ohm, it is really a joy to cook for him. In the past I was just imagining the dishes I would cook when he's with me but now it became my reality. And I am enjoying it so much.

We laze around the living room watching movie, cuddling, kissing and just laughing to our hearts content after eating. We do this everytime. We would sit on the carpet, leave the t.v. on and just do our business.  Simple things that just makes my heart full. The genuine happiness I get from just being with p'ohm.

We freshen up and went to sleep when we saw that it's nearing midnight cause starting tomorrow,  p'ohm will be busy with taping. I am excited for him because his project is receiving so much attention even before its release but somehow there is a lump in my throat that I just can't get off. I feel like something's gonna happen and I know it is not in my liking. I just pushed the thought away and hugged p'ohm tighter. And promised to myself that I would trust my p'ohm, I would trust our love, our heart, and our promises. And with that I drift off to dream land.

I woke up without p'ohm beside me and I heard the shower rustling. So I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. P'ohm finished showering after a while looking handsome and kissed me in my cheeks bidding goodbye.

"P'ohm, you're not gonna eat breakfast with me?" I asked confused, because he always eat breakfast with me, he said it's his favorite time of the day.

"I'm in a hurry noo, I'll just eat there okay." He said assuring me that he'll eat his meal. And kissed me once more

I am still confused but accompanied him to the door.

"Don't wait for me later i might be home late." He turned and said while waving goodbye and giving flying kisses.

The happenings are so fast for me to comprehend. I returned to the kitchen and just stared at the food that I prepared. This is the first time that he didn't eat breakfast with me. When I started living with him a year into our relationship, we always eat together. We are happy doing this together and it starts our days with love which gets us through the day.

I lost my appetite and decided to just put everything in the fridge and as I was putting it I saw the dinner I made the other day. He's skipping our quality time for sometime now. That thought saddens me. He would always say that my cooking is one of the reasons he loved me and he'll be happy to die if he'll die drowning in them.

I just laughed and smacked him for being overdramatic. But God knows How I badly want to hear it right now.

I started my day feeling gloomy but I pushed through. I went to the restaurant, started my day and scolded myself for thinking negative things. My p'ohm loves me so much. He said he will stay by my side forever. I should remember that everytime.


Ohm hurriedly walked through the set and scanned through the crowd when he found his target, he smiled and walked directly to her.

"Selene, good morning!" He greeted with a smile delighted to see her, too delighted actually

"P'ohmmm, good morning to you too, you look good today." the woman said while standing up from her chair in front of a mirror where she is doing her make up.

She hugged ohm and he did the same.

The people around them smiled and snapped a couple of pictures as they are delighted to the closeness of the lead stars.  It will be easy to work with them and they look good together.

Ohm is known to be polite and kind in the industry.  Everywhere he goes and everyone he works with sings praises on how good he is not just as an actor but also as a person. He is also very careful and does not involve his self to scandals, issues and rumors.

The same goes for selene. She is also known for being kindhearted and talented. She's been in the industry for a year but she already established a name, and in that year rumors of her dating history didn't surface at all.

The two stars kept on talking, not knowing all eyes have been staring at them and silently sailing the ship as they showed too much chemistry even before the taping started.

The taping starts at 9 a.m. and all the staffs are busy preparing all the equipments needed for the shooting.  But two people are slowly lost in their world. Ohm and selene are eating breakfast with the take out food he brought from Selene's favorite fast food chain, ohm knew about it through their constant chatting. And he surprised her with it.

Selene was very delighted to see her favorites and ate happily with ohm, they shared stories of each other, laughed and teased each other.

The shooting lasted for 10 hours and everyone was exhausted. Ohm planned to take selene out for dinner but the actress had plans with her parents already so ohm just decided to go home.

Ohm went home to an empty apartment, of course, it's just 8 p.m. fluke usually goes home at 9 after closing the restaurant. So he decided to freshen up, opened the fridge to look for food and he noticed there is a lot of food in there. He took out one container and it was from their supposed to be breakfast earlier. Did he not eat earlier? ohm asked himself as he saw the food.

He decided to heat it up and eat it. He microwaved it and went to the dining after, he sat and then started eating but the food feels so dry.

Is this why he didn't eat breakfast? Eating alone does feel gloomy. Ohm thought as he realized why his boyfriend left without eating.

Now he's left confused and guilty again, we usually eat breakfast together, but I skipped it today to eat with someone else.

Did I really changed? Am I not the same person I used to be? Or I am still who I am but the feelings aren't?

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