Duplicate Earth?

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        D.E. (a.k.a. Duplicate Earth) was exactly what the name entailed, it was duplicate Earth. But no one knew of the inhabitants. Shinigami, the Japanese gods of death roamed freely on the desolated lands. However, Amanda Waller, the Commander of A.R.G.U.S. had recently discovered this deserted planet. She had a secret project containing illegal matters. She wanted to conduct the project on D.E. because it was far from civilization. 

     Amanda was taking a big risk. On Earth, she had gone "off the grid" and no one knew where she was located except for Lyla Michaels. Regardless, Waller had formed a group of ex-villains, called the SUICIDE SQUAD.

        The Suicide Squad consisted of four people: Cupid, Bronze Tiger, Uma Thurman, and, of course, Deadshot. (R.I.P. Shrapnel)                                                                                      


Back at Blue Mountains (a.k.a.) Shinigami Resort

        "Hey, Ryuk! Pass the blood punch!" said Tatsumi, Ryuk's friend.

       "Tatsumi, I think you should take it easy on the blood punch, remember what happened last time?" Ryuk exclaimed as the rest of the Shinigami began to howl with laughter. 

        "Yeah, yeah, shut up and get out of here. By the way, it's your shift to patrol. So while we all have an awesome time here, you can go attend to your duty!" Tatsumi replied.

All the Shinigami began to laugh again as Ryuk strolled away.

        "Whatever," he muttered, "Shingami are boring anyways.


        Ryuk began to walk for miles, not really paying attention to anything. He kicked a rock with his boot-covered foot, yawning in boredom. As he traced the path of the rock, his eyes were drawn to a strange blinking light. Ryuk squinted his eyes to see an active portable station. 

"Who are those..... oh my gods of death, those are humans!" he cackled, "Well, it seems that my day is about to get a lot more eventful!"


HEY LOVLIES! (too cheesy ok....)

Anyways this is chapter one. I hope you liked it! I'll try to finish this story in a week's time! 

Authors' Note: Ryuk eventually comes in contact with humans (SPOILER NOT REALLY I MEAN IM PRETTY SURE YOU WERE EXPECTING IT) anyways, the humans end up being able to see him b/c this is D.E. not Earth. We made some modifications from the manga because usually humans can't see Shinigami but we just changed that for the sake of simpilicty (I guess...lol)




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