Blood punch, really?

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        "Cupid are you there? Hello! I repeat, Cupid did you find anything?" Amanda demanded

        " didn't find anything..sorry, um I'll contact you when I do," she hesitantly said.

        "WHAT...what do you mean! Hello, Cupid do you copy? Come back to HQ NOW! Do you hear me?" Amanda exclaimed.

There was no response from Cupid.

        "UGH!" Amanda roared.


        "Good. Now tell me why you're here or I'll rip your body apart and take all the blood and make blood punch!" Ryuk said to Cupid.

        "I was sent here by someone and.....blood punch, really?" said Cupid.

        "What? Do I look like I eat what you humans eat?" Ryuk said.

Cupid glanced at Ryuk's body in disgust by his black wings, blackish-blue fur, wide colourful eyes, and thick blue lips.

        "Ew," Cupid said quietly.

        "You're must be so stupid to come here alone. Now, take me to the humans in your weird station thing!" Ryuk commanded.

As Ryuk and Cupid were walking towards HQ, Cupid waited for Ryuk to look another way or become distracted. Ryuk began to hum while Cupid was leading him to HQ.

        'He seems distracted', Cupid thought, 'let me try to contact Amanda quickly.'

Cupid began to walk faster, she then clicked on her earpiece and quickly began to quietly talk.

        "Hello Amanda, I hav-AAAAA!" Cupid screamed.

Ryuk takes Cupid's earpiece and crumbles it with his fingers. He then grabs Cupid and throws her on his back and says, "You wish, sweetheart."

        " I find humans so amusing. You know I'm just really bored, like all the time," Ryuk laughed, "And this is the perfect time to amuse myself. So tell me where your station is." Ryuk ordered.

        "NEVER!" Cupid screamed.

        "Seriously, don't fight it. Just tell me where it is, come on!" Ryuk said.

Cupid was tired, restless, and knew she was going to die anyways, so she gave in.

        "Fine," Cupid said and began giving directions.


Amanda looked at her earpiece in confusion. Why did Cupid scream? Did something happen? Realizing the full extent of this situation, she rounded up the Squad.

        "I noticed that Cupid isn't back yet," Deadshot said.

        "That psycho? I wouldn't put it past her if she accidently killed herself," Bronze Tiger said.

        "I know right? She's an American psycho," Uma giggled.

        "And you aren't?" Literally everyone in the room shot back to her.

        "We don't have time for squabbling," Amanda voiced, "Everyone grab your weapons. Your target is anyone other than us. Now go!"

The squad ran out into the night, looking for their fallen comrade.





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