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Inuyasha pulled back from Kagome as his eyes roamed the battlefield. Corpses scattered the ground. The stench of death laid like a fog over the area, suffocating him. His nose wrinkled up slightly and his hands curled into fists.

They didn't have much time.

He wasn't entirely sure that his plan was even going to work, which was exactly why he hadn't mentioned it earlier. The idea of failure... The idea of letting everyone down... Was a constant pressure on his chest that threatened to push him into the darkness. He gulped and raised his wary eyes to meet Kagome's gaze. Her deep, blue eyes were enchanting. All he wanted to do was fall into her... But, his scent was noticeably absent from her neck. She could be claimed by another. She didn't have to choose him, and that thought utterly terrified him.

"We need to hurry." He forced the words out, still scared to even utter his plan.

She quirked an eyebrow. "Why?"

He huffed. "We don't have much time... We need Tensaiga."

His ears twitched when he heard her heartbeat stutter. "Tensaiga?"

He gulped and ran a clawed hand nervously through his silver hair. "Yea."

"You have it?" Her eyes widened in surprise and he felt hesitant underneath her gaze.

He nodded and turned around so that she could climb onto his back. She quickly clambered on and he cherished in the feeling of her smooth skin underneath his fingertips. Kagome... His grip tightened on her a bit as he shoved off from the ground. "I don't think Tetsuya is going to be so happy that I have it though..." She dug her head into the crook of his neck and he had to repress the moan that threatened to leak passed his lips. He could feel her hot breath against the base of his neck and it made all of his nerves tingle with anticipation.

"Why would he be mad about that? It was Sesshomaru's sword after all..."

Inuyasha's eyebrows furrowed. "Well... Sesshomaru kind of abandoned it."

Her small fingers dug into his shoulders and he rolled his muscles a bit so that she would grip him tighter. He smirked when she followed his silent desire. Her hands gripped his broad shoulders tightly, as if she never wanted to let go.

He didn't dare let his thoughts wander down that path.

"Why would Sesshomaru abandon the Tensaiga?"

The wind whipped Inuyasha's hair back as he pushed himself to move faster through the forest. The bark of the branches he landed on felt rough underneath his feet, and he used that for traction to expel himself forward a little bit more each time. He needed to move faster...

"After Rin and their girl-pup died, he went a little crazy. Can't say I blame him, though. He tried to revive them, but it wasn't possible, with either of them." Inuyasha felt sadness grip his heart at the memory. When he had found Sesshomaru it was a day after everything had happened. Sesshomaru was still there, clutching Rin to his chest, with their girl-pup laid in her lap. Tetsuya was still so young... So little... He sat mere feet from Sesshomaru, cuddling into his Mokomoko. Sesshomaru had looked up at Inuyasha with bleeding eyes; Tensaiga laid forgotten by his side.

Sesshomaru had cast away the sword, cursing its existence. Cursing it and himself for not being able to save his family...

The only reason the sword was still around was because Inuyasha had secreted it away, hoping to give it back to Sesshomaru when he was in his right mind. But, he had never found the right time to broach the subject of the day that Rin and the girl-pup had died. He had never had the chance to return it before Sesshomaru sacrificed himself.

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