A New Day

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Inuyasha waited impatiently at the door to the resort for Tetsuya. When the pup finally returned, he wore a semi-defeated smile that made him look tired.

"Well, how many did you save?"

Tetsuya's hand automatically shifted to Tensaiga's hilt. "About twenty..."

"Not bad, pup." Inuyasha lightly swatted Tetsuya's shoulder in a small attempt to show the pup how proud he was of him.

Tetsuya pulled away from him and glanced to the side. "There were at least forty that I couldn't save..."

Inuyasha watched the pup carefully. Tetsuya fidgeted beneath his gaze, uncomfortable beneath the heavy weight of the loss that surrounded them. "You saved twenty who were lost, that is more than most people could ever ask for."

Tetsuya huffed. "I guess." An awkward moment of silence passed between them before Tetsuya glanced over his shoulder to look at him. His eyelids were heavy, and Inuyasha could clearly see how the day had worn on his nephew. "Where's Kagome?"

Inuyasha cringed. "With Daichi."

Tetsuya's eyebrows rose in slight surprise. "Is that wise?"

Inuyasha crossed his arms and shoved his hands into his sleeves. "His Mom just died... Who am I to deny him a little comfort?" He winced before continuing. "You and I both know how that feels..."

Tetsuya flinched and abruptly turned away from him. "You're right... He needs a friend now more than ever."

Inuyasha was about to say something else, when he heard the tell-tale noise of a helicopter. His hand flew to Tessaiga's hilt and Tetsuya spun around to look at him in alarm. Gone was the tiredness that had seeped into his eyes... Instead, they were bright and aware. Fear clenched Inuyasha's heart. He knew that Chokichi shifting into his true form, and using Tessaiga's true powers, would bring attention to them...

He gulped and sprinted toward the beach with Tetsuya hot on his heels. The wolf demons weren't far behind them. He could smell Koga as he quickly approached, leaving Ayame and his younger cubs inside. Inuyasha glanced over his shoulder to see about thirty-or-so demons gathered.

Chokichi and Daichi were not among them.

He shifted to look up at the helicopter that was now circling overhead. His ears twitched as he heard the heavy thud of footsteps pounding against the forest floor.

Whoever was coming, was nearly there, and there were a lot of them.

He sucked in a sharp breath when the first intruder stepped through the thick foliage. He wore a black helmet and bulletproof vest that covered a camouflaged military shirt. A giant gun was pointed at them, and if Inuyasha had to guess, it was an AK-47.

Shit, it was the American military.

He heard several of the wolves mutter overt curses as a small brigade of soldiers stepped through the tree line and the helicopter above them beamed a spotlight down upon them. The bright light nearly blinded Inuyasha's sensitive eyes.

The Americans began shouting in a language that Inuyasha couldn't understand. Koga slid into a defensive stance, stepping in front of Koki and his other cubs as the Americans began to advance.

Shit, shit, shit.

Inuyasha's hand clenched around Tessaiga's hilt as a loud voice boomed from the helicopter. He couldn't understand what they were saying, but it was clear that Tetsuya, Koga, and a few others did.

Shit, he wished that he had done some schooling.

Panic began to flare through his veins as the soldiers with guns continued to advance.

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