Chapter 33: Dreams

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Alice's P.O.V

I'm so proud of you....

My flower...

Can I call you daddy?

Thank you for saving me

I love you.... I love you more....

I'll always be there.... always? Always...

Daddy Look!..... Wow that's amazing!

Daddy Push Higher!..... Hold on tight! I don't want you falling off a swing...

Good Luck!

Daddy! I'm scared!.... Don't be I've got you my flower!

Do you pinky promise?.... I pinky promise....

Alice, what's wrong  you, you know you could tell me anything right?... Anything?..... anything....

We'll do this together, Together we can do anything...... Always Together?.... Always together.....

I quickly wake up from my dream,  and I see a confused face in front of me.

"Niall? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I heard you from my room saying stuff in your sleep, so I came to check on you," he said.

"I'm fine, but I've done a HUGE mistake," I say.

"I understand," he said, "do you want me to drive you?"


"Don't worry, I'm an excellent driver I was just in shock, because you didn't know Nandos," he said.

"Okay, one second," I replied, I packed my stuff really quickly, and we hop in the car, and he drives me back home.

"I'll see you later?" Niall asks.

  "Yeah, and give my thanks to the lads," I told him. 

"Will do," he said.

I ring the bell and a very sleepy dad opens the door.

"Alice?" he asks, becoming very awake right now.

"Daddy...." I said.

He wraps me in a bone crushing bear hug, and I hug him back.

"I'm sorry Daddy, I mean it this time, about everything, I'm sorry," I said.

"It's okay, I forgive you, my flower," he said.

My flower.... I miss that nickname...

"I promise you I'll never run away again, I wont go to the street fights,   I'm sorry dad," I promise him.

"It's okay, all that matters is that your back again, and your here, and Alice if there is anything, ANYTHING, at all bothering you come tell me please, your the most important thing I have, nothing could change that, okay?" He tells me.

"Okay, I promise dad, I promise," I said.

I eventually go back to my room, I missed it, and I fall asleep, with dad next to me. 

~In the morning~

"Last night I dreamt of you dad, and all the special moments we had together," I told him.

"Weird, I had the same exact dream," he said. 

"It's as if life wanted me to come back," I said.

"Maybe it did," Dad told me.

A/N Hello my nuggets!!! how are y'all, well this book is close to the end! so one last time, if you have any requests or recommendations, they are open, but not for long, so comment or send it to me, and if it will match the story line I will add it, So you better be quick!

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'Till next time my nuggets ~Leena

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