A Small Leather Book

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The faint shout of Bo reverberated against the walls of the office. The sounds of frustration and loud banging on the walls followed. I momentarily stopped, but at the pace at which Din was going, it was impossible to catch up later. Several minutes of deafening silence continued as we walked in silence. The only sounds were the sounds of footsteps and occasional sounds from the environment. Din seemed awfully determined, giving no notice to anything. Din took no care to his sister and her pleading. It all seemed confusing and a bit strange.
"Hey, Din," I started to speak, but Din gave no notice.
"Din!" Din turned to me as I continued, "What happened over there?"
"With Bo, you didn't well... feel bad for Bo,"
I said with hesitation as Din started to explain.
"I didn't want to spend the rest of my days with my sister, she dragged me down and wanted us to stay here forever," Din continued to talk, "You of course have people at home right?" 
"Well everyone does, right?" Keysha exclaimed Nira looked over her warily.
"Yeah, my wife, well soon to be though," Nira turned around, looking more interested than earlier, "Fiance, the day before the actual wedding." Keysha let out a muffled groan before Din continued on.
"We were planning to do it in Italy, her home country, she already was in there so it was my job for my family to get there," Din stopped for a moment.
"I am sorry," I expressed before Din spoke.
"Good way to help is to get out of here with me," Din declared emphatically.
"Anyways, go on, how did you get in this mess anyway?" Nira piped.
"It is all a bit fuzzy, felt like months since it happened," Din finally stopped as his dark brown eyes met mine. He let out a long breath before continuing. 

"We were checked in and we were walking through the terminal, me and Bo," Din continued to walk as he stared straight forward, "As we walked through, we noticed that the shops and terminal itself were deserted, the signs were stripped of advertisements and the buzz of what seemed like a razor was emitted from the speakers." 
"We were entering through a door as we searched for someone, that's when we got in," Din stopped once again, clasping a hand to his head, wiping non-existent sweat, "Sorry, we should get going, we have a lot of gro-" 
"Do we really?" Keysha piped with a look of irritation painted on her face, "We have been walking and walking for years!" 
"Well she isn't wrong," Nira said as Din looked to the floor.
"Well, you guys didn't have much time at the tent so yeah, better to you know, "Din muttered with hesitation. 

We searched for a secluded place as we walked. We eventually found a small conjoining room which was small but it sufficed. Keysha sat down as Nira passed her a bottle of almond water. 
"Hey Colin, outside," Nira brought me outside as she looked back into the room before starting.
"What's up? Other than literally everything," I asked as I placed my hand on the wall.
"Din... He seems a bit off," I looked to Nira with a look of confusion, "He abandoned his sister, he doesn't do anything when she begs and he just seems, well confusing."
"Yeah it does look like that,"
I tried to make up something, "Well he is passionate about his you know, cliche but, 'love is powerful,'" I chuckled as I heard the voices from inside.
"You see what I mean? Ruffles are something else, snacks from Mexico are something else I tell you that!" Din exclaimed emphatically as Keysha stuffed her hand into the green plastic bag.
"He just seems off..." Nira sighed before heading inside. The pair inside were already finishing through the bag as Keysha tried to fall asleep. I sat in between Keysha and Din who was deep in writing in his book. His pen moving at the speed of light. He was etching a picture of the hound-like creature which was all too familiar to me.
"Can I?" I asked as Din passed the book to me.

Common creatures that are fast but timid at times. Direct eyesight will make them afraid. Looks like a contorted person with shagged hair. They seem to be scrawny and sick if they were humans. Their danger level is low but if they are hunting in packs then they could be tough to shake off your tail. They are common in most levels apart from the safe haven that is the modern office. 

"Woah that's detailed, how did you learn so much about this place?" I asked as I flipped through the pages.
"After a while of staying here, you get to observe, you know?" Din started to place his hands behind his head, retiring for the time being. 
"Interesting..." I said as Keysha started to lean on my shoulder to sleep, "Who takes first watch?"
"I can take first watch,"
Din said as Nira looked at me motioning for me to go for it. 
"I'll take it," I muttered walking outside, Keysha jumping at the sudden movement.

I propped myself against a wall in a half-delirious and half-awake state, trying to catch onto every sound which was present. After a few hours, I heard the sound of footsteps nearby followed by a ding. I brought myself to a wall looking at the source of the sound. My eyes became wide open as I saw an elevator with a person out of it. 
"H- Hey!" I called out to the person, the person was a man with a mauled face who seemed hunched. At the sight of me, he ran off into another corridor.

"GUYS GUYS!" Din was already awake making him jump immediately at the wake-up call. Ditching his bag, he stumbled out of the doorway whilst Keysha was rubbing her eyes sleepily.
"Wh- What's happening?" Keysha asked in a sluggish manner. 
"The elevator, I found an exit! Let's go!" Nira started to stand up stretching her limbs before stumbling out. I picked up the black bag from the floor as I led Keysha out to the elevator hallway. The elevator was different from the earlier ones. It was dimly lit, lit by a retro bulb that stuck out of the ceiling of the elevator. It was more cramped and I doubted whether it would fit all of us. Walking in, the ground seemed hollow and clanged with every step. Din eagerly pushed the button to shut the doors of the elevator, nearly scathing me as I entered. A determined look lined his face as he stood eagerly, clearly not noticing the bag which I was now holding. I was about to sit down to wait out the trip but Keysha was already on the floor, resting. 

The trip was silent, no one moved. Nira was to the side of Keysha like a guardian angel. I was on one side facing Din who was silently writing in his journal. The trip was slow and tedious. Look enough for Keysha to wake up willingly halfway. The elevator started to slow down with a creak, Din immediately put the book in his bag which was now on the floor. The doors started to open as a whole different room appeared.

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