Chapter 12: A vicious one.

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"You wanna know something?" Gusto asked Vittorio who was on his phone and looked up.

"This week, you've been so fucking annoying"-

"Thanks, it's my special talent"

"What?" Vittorio deadpanned.

"Well, guess which two of your sisters were in the area and simply watched the fire without a care in the world" He cleared his throat at the look Vittorio gave him. "Raven and Phoenix"

"Did someone see them light it on fire?"


Vittorio stifled his groan at the answer, they might have but this proved nothing. The twins hadn't done anything like this in the past, just been bystanders, there was a good possibility for that too.

"Well, the Saint Laurent company has officially named Andrea the new CEO, I sent the usual congratulations package...just a little personalised"

Vittorio turned on his heel at the last part causing Gusto to raise his hands.

"Not in a pranking manner, she's your high-school sweetheart after all and we wouldn't want to lose the alliance we have with them."

"It better be just that or Tony'll be under my guardianship"

"He'll still have his mother"

"Well, He'll only have a godfather left"

"Point" Gusto let out a nervous chuckle and Vittorio nodded.


"So you may want to you know text her anyway"

"You just told me that you sent the package"

"Yeah, but you know you're"-

"We just had sex a few times, while we were both grieving, it was irrational, let's leave it at that, eh?"

"Eh" Gusto repeated, sounding deflated as he raised his fist in the air, in a mockingly cheering manner.


"If a conspiracy could be perfect, I mean perfect in every sense." She monologed sipping her black coffee, sitting alone at two a.m.

This question gave her sleepless nights, pondering and contemplating the perfection, that is the total perfection... More so when She connected the chain of events, in the facts of the present set of incidents, which actually happened, she reached to this inevitable conclusion that yes! this was the perfect one but then there was always the question if it really was perfect lingering at the back of her head.

There was one's past to be considered, their pasts weren't great, she didn't know who got it worse, her? Vittorio? Their Parents? Eve? Vesper?

They all had changed, changed a lot, inside out, Long gone was the Vittorio who tucked in all his sisters, who couldn't bear it if they were mad at him for more than 5 minutes, who couldn't go a day without either teasing or cuddling them, Long gone was the Katherine who'd find beauty in small things, who'd stop and take time to smile at them, admire that little wildflower, Long gone was the Eve who needed a kiss in from everyone in order to sleep, who needed to know everyone was going to have sweet ice cream filled dreams, Long gone was the Vesper who couldn't bear seeing anyone in pain, she had become the exact opposite now.

Long gone was the word and meaning to the word Family.

They had all changed, for the better or worse, people usually guessed the latter, maybe it was.

The rest had left, after discussing the plans and Eve had given her a sharp eye all along.

She smirked when she realised why causing Eve to blow up more and turn red in the face as Serafina had previously described.

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