The game

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[Y/n's POV]

Dean got finished up and he grabbed his hockey bag. We headed over to my dorm and he came in with me.

Y/n: hey guys

Connie: hey y/n, hey Dean

Julie: where were you two?

Y/n: I was hanging out in his room until
I had to come over and get ready.

I went into the bathroom and got dressed finally able to walk correctly. When I came back out Dean was laying on my bed.

Dean: you guys ready to go?

Everyone: yep

We all went to the locker room and got ready for the game. Before Dean and I left the locker room Fulton came to us.

Fulton: so what did you two do while I was gone?

Y/n: that's classified information

Fulton: awe you guys left me out of all fun

Y/n: hey now, you have your time

Dean: yeah bud

We all went out to the bench first up was Charlie with the face off on center, Jess and Adam on the right and left wings, Fulton and I on defense and Goldberg as the goalie.

I took some hits, but I made a comeback in the second period. We had a close game but we ended up winning. We all filed into the locker room ready to change. I took off my pads and jerseys and put it back in my bag and wait changed, after I was done I waited out side of the locker room for Dean and Fulton. The boys came out rejoicing in our win.

Fulton: yeah! Bash bros! Team USA for the win!!

Dean came to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

Dean: and the Bash Babe!!!

Y/n: alright you two, your nuts!

Fulton: hey, after your comeback in the second period, that bash Bros and bash babe we're the stars of the show!

Dean: he's right, you were awesome out there

Y/n: thanks

Dean: let's drop your stuff off and come hang out in our room

Y/n: sounds like a plan

We reached my dorm and the boys waited for me as I put my hockey bag in my room. Then we went to the boy's room to hang out. I went into there room and sat my back against the head board on Fulton's bed as they put there stuff down.

Fulton: oh yeah? And what do you think your doing?

Y/n: sitting on your bed, got a problem with it?

Fulton: not at all

I gestured for him to let down in between my legs. He climbed in bed and layed in his back with his head in between my thighs and I started playing with his hair.

Fulton: you know, you are really hot when you play hockey

Y/n: you think so

Fulton: yep

Dean: Agreed

Y/n: ok mister, I almost couldn't play in this game cause of you

Dean: but, you did

Y/n: true

Fulton flipped himself over and wrapped his arms around my waist. He now had his head on my chest. After a few minutes Fulton lifted his head up to look at me.

Fulton: you are the best

Y/n: I know

I said sarcasticly.

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