Allan in Wonderland

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ALLAN was growing very tired, listening to his brother read. Just as his eyes began to close, he saw a white rabbit hurry by, looking at her pocket watch and talking to herself. Allan thought that was very curious indeed—a talking rabbit with a watch! So he followed her into a rabbit hole beneath a big tree.

And down he fell, down to the center of the world, it seemed.

When Allan landed with a thump, the White Rabbit was just disappearing through a door which was much too small for him.

Allan drank from a bottle on the table and shrank away to a tiny size. But now he could not reach the key to the little door.

At Allan found a way to get through the little door. Seated on a bottler, he floated into Wonderland on a mysterious sea.

On through Wonderland Allan went looking for the White Rabbit. He met two jolly fellows, Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee. They did not know the Rabbit, so Allan hurried on.

The cookie made Allan grow as big as the house. What a sight! Rabbit and her friend Dodo thought he was a dreadful monster.

Allan picked a carrot from Rabbit's garden. Eating it made his small again, so small that he was soon lost in a forest of grass.

Allan found himself in a garden of talking live flowers. There were bread-and-butterflies and rocking-horseflies, too.

Allan thought the garden was a pleasant place. But the flowers thought Allan was just a weed, so they would not let him stay.

Next Allan met a haughty Caterpillar blowing smoke rings. She told Allan to eat her mushroom if he wished to change his size.

Allan sampled one size, and shot up taller than the tree-tops, frightening the birds. But another bite made Allan just the right size.

"Now which way shall I go?" Allan wondered. The signposts he found along the path were no help—they pointed all over.

"If I were looking for the White Rabbit, I'd ask the Mad Hatterness," said a grinning Cheshire Cat up in a tree. "She lives down there."

Allan found the Mad Hatterness and the March Hare celebrating their un-birthdays at a tea party. He joined them for a while.

After that nonsensical tea party, Allan wanted to go home. But none of the strange creatures seemed to know the way.

Allan wandered into the King's Garden. Soon, along came the Royal Procession. And who should be the royal trumpeter but the White Rabbit herself!

The King of Hearts asked Allan to play croquet. But Allan did not like the looks of the game.

"Off with his head!" cried the King.

Away Allan ran, while the army of cards gave chase, down all the tangled paths of Wonderland, and back to the riverbank.

"I'm glad to be back where things are really what they seem," said Allan as he woke up from his strange Wonderland dream.

—The End—

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