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"Wake the fuck up" Ziggy joked as she ripped the covers from me.

"Never seen you so eager to get up" I said as I laughed a bit.

"Ohh no I'm not excited to go to camp shitwing, it's just if we miss the bus I will have Cindy nagging me for like the rest of my life" Ziggy stated.

Ziggy and Cindy never really got along, although I did. Me and Ziggy weretwins while Cindy is our older sister. Me and Ziggy have always been told we were an odd pair, probably because of our nicknames, I was supposedly possessed and Ziggy was a "witch".
As much as it bothered us we never really tried to do much to deal with it.

I tied my c/o/h hair in a ponytail to get it out of my face, and put on a white vest top with paper bag denim shorts. I hurried downstairs and had a slice of toast with butter along with a cup of orange juice.

"I see the bus, come on girls" Cindy spoke.

I caught Ziggy rolling her eyes, we all grabbed our bags and walked down the road to get on the bus, it stank of sweaty kids. I sat next to Ziggy and the back, and Cindy went to sit in the front, next to Tommy her boyfriend.

"This is gonna be a long bus ride" I grunted as Ziggy agreed.

A boy who got on the bus caught my eye, I couldn't quite get a good look since someone's head was in the way, as he walked over to where I quickly realised who it was. It was Nick Goode. Future sheriff as everybody knew him by. I had only seen him a few times before at camp but we never really spoke before. He was the type of guy to be the hero, the type to just tell you everything is gonna be okay when it's completely gone to shit. He always had great looks, comes from the family I guess.

He sat a row in front. I was still slightly staring at him and then Ziggy noticed.

"You're not looking at Nick Goode are you? Ziggy remarked as she smirked. Punching my arm playfully.

"What? No. Why would I be doing that" I assured her with an irritated tone. I don't think she really believed me.

"Maybe because you like him" she jokingly winked.

For the rest of the journey I just read Carrie with Ziggy while we waited until we could get out of the hot and sweaty bus.

As we finally arrived everyone started to get up and leave one by one, I got up and tripped over my lace. To my surprise I didn't face plant the floor. Someone has caught me. I thought it was Ziggy until I looked up, Nick fucking Goode was holding me just below my shoulders.

"You okay?" He asked, I nodded as while helped me up to my feet and I picked up my book that I had dropped.

"Carrie? Cool" he stated. Nick looked at the cover of the book and then looked back at me

"Future sheriff likes Carrie?" I questioned with a smile growing on my face.

"For sure-" he replied as he was interrupted by the bus driver telling us to get off the bus.

We got off and walked over together to get the cabin keys as we talked about our favourite thing about Carrie.

"Well I better go help with other councillors, see you around?" He asked hopefully.

"Yeah sure" I responded with a smile.

I saw Ziggy and jogged over to her, she giggled as I approached her. I knew exactly what she was about to say.

"So you and Goode huh?" She had a huge grin on her face. I went red as she put her arm round me still laughing.

"So you saw the whole thing?" I asked. I was so embarrassed.


Sheila and her little gang pushed me and Ziggy while chanting their little pathetic insults.

"Oh look it's witch bitch and her possessed little slave!" She spat with a smirk

"Fuck off Sheila" ziggy yelled as she flipped her off, she reached for my hand to walk off but will grabbed her shoulder and turned her a back round facing Sheila.

"Get you dirty ass hands off of Ziggy" I snapped with a bitchy look on my face. I looked Sheila up and down before yelling at her.
"Sheila I swear to god you piss me or Ziggy off I will smash your dog ass looking face in"

"Oh so the possessed one can talk? Go ahead and kill some disgusting shadysiders" she laughed as her friends joined in.

Ziggy was about to punch her but I gave her a look to tell her to stop. Nick walked over and asked "what's going on?" He looked at me.

"Sheila and her little puppet show came over just to piss me and y/n off" Ziggy answered.

"Sheila, leave y/n alone or that will be a strike okay?" Nick explained.

"Fine, bye witches" she waved to us and left.

"Thanks nick" I said. I was so glad he stood up for me and Ziggy.

"Chief of police comes to save the day" Ziggy torments

Nick fakes a laugh and looks to y/n "No problem, you guys should probably get to your cabins"

"Yeah", me and ziggy walked off to our cabins laughing at the way Sheila looked as she got told off. Our cabin looked old and the door handle was sticky and creaky. Ziggy looked pissed because she realised the noice of the door would be too loud to sneak out, but nothing would actually stop her from making trouble honestly.

I jumped and sat on my bed. "Shit!" I squealed as I realised how hard the mattress was as I felt a quick bit of pain. Me and Ziggy unpacked our clothes and put them in our dressers by the side of our beds. I shoved my back under the bed noticed the rot on the planks of wood on the floor.

"God this place is gross" Ziggy grunted. She stepped on a few ants by accident since they where everywhere.

The bell rang signalling everyone for dinner.
I was not excited for the "amazing" meals they had. I took a few spoonfuls of the peas since they were okay but the chicken didn't taste great and I just don't like mash.

I looked across the haul to see Nick looking at me but then quickly looking away when I saw him. I smiled and told Ziggy and she started teasing me about it.

"y/n Goode! Aw how cute" she teased sarcastically. I chuckled and nudged her, my cheeks flushed red.

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