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(I'm back;)

"Good morning" lunas soft voice and warm breath whispered against Azia's skin, Azia groaned and covered her face with the pillow, "I'm not getting up"

"Oh yes you are, We are moving into your dorm today, Taking a tour of the school, going to eat and gossip about what happened last night"

Azia uncovered her face and looked at her best friend "what happened last night?.."

Luna raised an eyebrow at the brunette girl, "Oh nothing— don't worry about it" she licked her thumb and wiped the mascara from under Azia's eyes, "One, I want to know what you mean, two how bad do I look?"

"You don't look that bad... You smell bad tho, especially your bloody breath"

"Oh fuck off, your so mean" she covered her face again, "No, you're not going to sleep get up we have things to do—" she turned around and bumped into the tall man, "For merlin's sake Lorenzo! Don't scare me like that."

Azia's eyes widened under the pillow as everything she said last night came back to her, "Shit shit shit" she thought to herself, "Get up, Williams"

"I'm asleep.." she said obviously lying, then she felt her body get cold realizing Lorenzo had taken her quilt, "Shit— sorry I—I thought you'd—" he threw the blanket back onto her body.

"it's my underwear... Calm down, I swear you and Fred act like you never seen a girl in underwear before" she rolled her eyes and put shorts on.

"What do you mean me and Fred?"

"Oh—nothing he just accidentally walked in when I was changing and made a big deal out of it—" Azia took the medicine Luna had brought for her hangover, "He saw you? He saw you naked?"

"Barely— I had a bra and underwear on"

"Learn to lock your door Azia! It's stupid of you, anyone could walk in at any point in time!"

"Just because I lashed out on you last night doesn't mean to can boss me around today—why are you here in the first place?"

"I don't—I'm just showing you where Zeno's dorm is or—your twos dorm.." He scratched the back of his neck, "Luna can do that, go back to your witch" Azia crossed her arms standing in front of him with a cocky look.

"Who's my 'witch'?" Lorenzo tilted his head looking down at the girl in front of him, He had an intimidating smirk clenching his jaw.

"Pansy, obviously." She answered still not giving up on the tension that was growing in the room, Lorenzo shook his head and chuckled, "Parkinson isn't my witch Azia, she's just someone I use when I'm bored, she's like obsessed with me or something."

"You are a disgusting man Lorenzo, She obviously really likes you, and you're just using her? Pathetic."

Lorenzo raised his brow, "Oh and you care about how Parkinson feels?" He stepped toward Azia.

"I don't care how she feels usually, but when it comes to loving someone it seems like the right thing to care about, You're going to break that girl's heart if she doesn't know what you're doing" she stepped back.

"Mhm, get ready you have twenty minutes" he walked out of the room slamming the door behind him, "I have twenty-five minutes you dick!"

She rolled her eyes and brushed her teeth so her breath didn't smell as gross as it did, she threw on clothes and sat on the bed waiting for twenty-five minutes to pass, once the clock had hit 12:25 she walked out of the dorm smiling sassily at Lorenzo and Luna, "Your five minutes late"

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Did I waste your precious time Lorenzo?" She batted her eyes dramatically at him, Luna snorted trying to hold on to her laugh.

He rolled his eyes and walked in front of the two girls, they stopped and stared at the glass painting, "Here's Gryffindor common room, Another Gryffindor should know the password, any other houses are allowed into this common room as long as you wish for them to, If you walk down that corridor for about 5 feet then take a left that's Hufflepuff common room, then Ravenclaw common room is up the moving stairs and you should know which room it is because it will have a blue glass painting like the others have with there colors, and Slytherin common room is in the main basement which you go down a lot of stone stairs, it's still underwater like at Hogwarts"

Lorenzo turned around to see the two girls bored-eyed and almost half asleep, "What" they both said at the same time. Lorenzo clenched his jaw and shook his he "Nothing let's show you where we eat"

"I'm sorry you speak very fast," Luna said softly and followed the brunette boy, Azias eyes traveled the back of Lorenzos suited body, "He has a nice bottom.." Azia raised her brow looking at her best friend, Luna then looked and raised her brows surprisingly, "Well, he does actually" she whispered back.

"Do not tell Hermione I said that she would destroy me if she knew I complimented males—" Lorenzo chuckling made Luna go quiet, they all awkwardly continued walking, Lorenzo found it amusing at how embarrassed they both had gotten because they definitely didn't know how to whisper very well.

"This is the great hall, we all eat here. You have the choice of getting food and bringing it to your dorm, You are required to wear something representing your house while your down here, whether it's your jumper with your house logo, your robe, your headband, etc." Azia looked around in awe, Luna smiled and started speaking to random people per usual, complimenting their aura's whatever that means.

"Are we done here?" He asked annoyed, Azia and Luna nodded, "You know where the shared common room is we were in it last night, The kitchen is in the second basement you do not go in there tho, Now I can finally be done after I show you to your dorm"

Moments later Azia was in her and Zeno's dorm, he was surprisingly very clean and well kept, He also had all of his things in one corner which left Azia a huge another side of the room, these dorms were bigger than you would really imagine a dorm as, The only thing azia would miss about Hogwarts dorms as she begged and pleaded to have one of the dorms with a bathroom, now she had to go into a showering room with sometimes multiple people at once.

"Can I go now?" Lorenzo stood in the doorway leaning against the rim, Azia was turned around looking through the window, "yeah—go ahead" Azia said quietly.

"Um... I have to go too— Hermione has something she wants to show me.." Luna said looking at her best friend to make sure she wouldn't get the opposite reaction that her words would say, "Okay"

"Are you sure I can go?— if you want me to stay I'll have her cancel our plans.. she's not very good at planning them anyway but I still love her.."

Luna was brutally honest, but in the sweetest way, she used to talk very slow with this very soft voice, but her speed has quickened, not so much the voice.

"L, in all honesty, it's fine. I love you, now you go have fun and tell me what you did when your back" Azia already started unpacking her things out of her trunk, Luna gave a sideways smile and nodded leaving her best friend.

"Knock knock," Fred said knocking on her door twice with his knuckle, "come in" Lorenzo answered for her before she even spoke.



"I was just getting ready to go, I showed her around the school so no need for you too.." Lorenzo winked and walked out smacking the wall, "So how was the tour then?"

"Boring" Azia answered, "He didn't make it fun as you would have." Fred started unpacking her bags with a smirk he kept to himself, "So which things are you bringing to our— Your spot?"

Azia didn't know why Fred felt the need to correct himself, she was perfectly fine with it being their spot. "Just a few blankets that's it, the little couch and stuff should be fine" she smiled.

Fred smiled, he smiled every time he looked over at her hanging pictures of her and her friends on the walls, The one that caught his eye was one where Fred was resting his right arm on the top of Azia's head, she was crossing her arms pouting but with a smile looking up at him.

He had that same grin as always.

Hiraeth|| Lorenzo Berkshire & Fred Weasley 18+Where stories live. Discover now