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It's a shame to forget those you love. A shame to have them fade from your memory. A shame to wake up one day have no clue who the person next to you is.
It stings when someone claims to know you, but your eyes cant pin who they are. When an old friend mentions an old joke and you can only nod along.
The gut wrenching feeling when someone blames you for something you swear you didn't do. How would you know better? You have no memory.
Some might say it's a relief to forget the truly awful things you may have said or done.
Some say oh! What a relief! I can go about my day with no memory of the guy I killed yesterday.
It's not.
It burns, the way you look at the faces of people you've know for ages and have no recollection. You've lost all the happy memory's, all the laughs, the dates, the way he made you smile. All the ways you found time to cuddle when times seemed dark. All the times you held eachother after the darkest of moments. The most grim times. The pain that tore at you, but it was fine because you were being held.

So why did you do it? Why did you forget? Why did you forget when you had books upon books that help you remember?! Have you just been setting yourself up for failure since day one? Tell me how it feels to forget. I bet it hurts more than life itself, doesn't it?

Does it hurt to look into the eyes of the man you love and not know who he is?

Does it hurt to have some child call you dad, when you haven't the slightest clue on why your his dad?

Does it hurt seeing the man infront of you break down and cry when you can't even recall the first letter of his name?

Does it hurt watching him tear the golden ring off his horn and run away?

Does it hurt waking up to an empty mansion, a note on the bedside telling you to leave?

Does it hurt forgetting where your home is, just that it's in the snow?

And tell me....does it hurt when you can't bring yourself to take another step? When you finally let yourself sink into the snow, frostbite nipping at you and your face scarred from the constant tears?

Does it hurt when you let the numbness overtake you and you finally drift away? I bet it does.

Ah. What a shame to forget those you love.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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