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YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1K READS?!?! This is epic!! :D I've never had this kind of experience before!! TYSM!! :DD

Also- Hi Floofs :D I may work on an actual cover to the song later in the chapter, idk atm. (Post Fluff: Ended up doing the song and I'll be posting it around the same time as this on my channel :3) But either way, Have fun (crying) reading!! o/


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"So yeah, that's what's been going on while you were gone," Time's voice trails off and he looks at the barred window, the sun outside well into the day.

I let out a small breath of air, turning over in my mind all that Time had told me just now. A lot had happened in the six years I was gone.

"That's... A lot," I mumble dully while my eyes trail to the door. I fiddle around with an edge of my scarf as I turn my attention to the dim room around me quietly, Time making a small 'hm' in agreement.

A small oak table sat in the center of the room by the door with a set of small, used candles on it and two seats pulled up beside it. Across from me, was a small wooden desk with a couple of drawers, some writing utensils set in a neat order with an inkwell beside them, my bag which had been confiscated from me when I had knocked myself out and was taken here ­­- wherever 'here' was - and a chair which Time was leaning against. Behind me by the bed, was a nightstand with some candles, a bookshelf beside it with books and a set of cabinets under the shelves, and a dresser with some white shirts and leather pants in it in case I ever felt the need to change.

Time leans back against the chair behind him, his head tilted back to look at the ceiling. He had taken his clock mask off, so I could see the clock marks on his face still as crisp as ever under his glass-like skin. However, there was a jagged crack that ran from his right cheek, all the way up to across his grey eye which was now a dull milky white, and ended at his hairline.

"It's still hard to believe you are back, Sabre. When everything was going down with the universe falling apart there was no way I saw for you to come back... So how you are standing here now... eludes me," Time says with a tired note in his voice and shakes his head, having broken through my thoughts. I sit back on the headrest of the bed and sigh, fingering the smooth wood under my hand. He was right, even I didn't know how I was back.

Time had told me that when I had left, the portal had fluctuated and exploded, sending him flying and into a partial coma for several months until Light had returned and took him back to the colorless guard outpost in the orange kingdom. In Time's thankfulness to Light, he decided to help Light out with the Colorless Guard. Though from the look Time gave when explaining, I could tell Light had insisted Time stay near so Light could keep an eye on him.

I look back at Time who meets my glance and lets out a tired sigh, his colorless guard armor clinking softly with his movement. I make to ask Time a question, my fingers drumming quietly on the headrest, but I get cut off by the door opening. I quickly turn to look, only to be met with shock and surprise.

"Hey, there you are Time. I was-" The quiet, yet commanding and cheerful voice of Light meets my ears and I see my old friend in the doorway, sporting what looked like very warm white armor. Shock fills my body as I stare at Light for a moment, his eyes locked on me as well.


In a heartbeat, a red figure bolts into the room and wraps me into a tight hug. I grunt breathless from the impact and knocked off balance.

"Y-You're back!" A red hat-wearing Steve in a soft red coat exclaims in a happy shock, his arms wrapped around me tightly as he buried his face into my shoulder. I take a moment to realize who it was, before I wrap my arms around my old friend tightly, hugging him back as my emotions came back in full swing. Oh chicken's curse- Not the waterworks again...

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