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Meant to upload this a lot sooner, but meh XDD Anyways, tysm for over 400 reads on the first chapter of Solace!! You guys are blowing my mind rn!! O-o


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I was usually quiet during these meetings, only occasionally putting in my two sense as I was the wisest there by far, but today was the worst argument that had ever occurred. Over the last few meetings, a land claim dispute between Yellow and Orange came into conversation in one way or another and the two leaders would get so heated over it.

"If Orange does not give up his claim to that land, I will declare war against him and his kind!" The Yellow leader fumed, slamming his palm on the table as his face set with anger that glinted as harshly as his polished golden crown did in broad daylight. The room goes dead silent and I glance up from rubbing my temples. I had had enough of their argument today- It was over a seemingly insignificant portion anyways.

"ENOUGH! Look, this conflict amongst us is completely uncalled for! For the love of all things in the light you two have been arguing for the past 30 minutes and I'm tired! I have wanted to catch up with Sabre all day and you two are not helping with my moodiness from sleep deprivation, so shut up!" I exclaimed as I slammed my hands down on the table and stood up, finally silencing the Orange and Yellow leaders. I feel eyes on me as I glare at the two leaders who then cleared their throats and slowly sat back down, seeming to fear my wrath more than each other's for a reason.

I let out a hiss of annoyance and glare at the two. This needed to stop here and now.

"I swear, for the love of all things in the light, if this comes up again in a meeting, I will send you both to go to the old Rainbow kingdom citadel and clean up the wreckage!" I feel a hand on my shoulder and glance over to see Violet at my left, a hesitant look on his face.

"I, Uhm- Red Leader. I don't mean to interrupt or risk your wrath, but- Sabre's been gone for six years now. Are you alright? You sound tired and you know you can always come to one of us if you need to talk." The Violet Leader's voice was gentle as I looked over at him and realized that the others didn't know about Sabre being back yet. I breath in and slowly let it out, letting the anger go with it.

"I- Thank you for your offer, Violet. But it's not important at the moment though... Yet, there's something you all should know." I glance around at the group for a moment then continue on. 

"Two days ago, a person was captured running through the main gate of the Red Kingdom and placed into care of the Rose Guard. As leader I- was curious on who it was and went to see. To my shock, I... Some how. Some way. Sabre is back, and I don't know how. Light and Time can attest to what I say."

Everybody stares at me with shock on their faces as I look around cautiously; the Orange Leader looking like a round of tnt had just gone off. I let myself relax, tiredness setting in and making my eyes feel heavy. Well, had to tell them eventually- I couldn't hide Sabre being back for that long.

"Red- I'm sorry, you have to be pulling our legs. There's no way. Even Light said that there was no way for Sabre to come back and that he was lost to us. That's why the memorial was set up in the Orange Kingdom. So how- How can you say with certainty that he's back?" Yellow says with a note of skepticism in his voice as he furrows his brow. I make to answer him, but Violet squeezes my shoulder and lets out a sigh.

"Red. You were probably dreaming it. You have serious bags under your eyes and you were fighting staying awake during the meeting today, I could tell. You should head back to the Red Kingdom and rest up, I'll manage the meeting from here," Violet says gently and I grit my teeth as I shake my head furiously.

"No, he's back, I swear he is! I'm not joking with you all!" Green looks at me with a gentle look and I hold back a yawn. Dang it, not now!

"If- if he is back, I would like to see for myself. I think we all could see for ourselves," Orange says almost inaudibly and stands up, seeming like all thoughts of his fight with Yellow had disappeared. The other leaders look at him and I meet his pearl-like eyes. They held a certain doubt to them, but Orange was giving me the benefit of the doubt on this.

"Orange- I- Fine. But if it's not true, I will be escorting M back to his house to rest for today." Violet says with a soft tone to his voice as I move my hands back from the table. Note to self, don't slam the table so hard next time. That hurt.

"Red Leader, if you would lead the way," Blue inquires of me and I nod, gently rubbing my throbbing hands. Having the other leaders along with would kill two chickens with one cobble- I could catch up with Sabre and have the others up to par on what had happened to Sabre while he was gone.

I walk out from my chair and push it in before I walk to the door and head outside, the leaders following me. Not the best for me to teleport being so sleep deprived, but I could catch up on sleep once I caught up on all of the paperwork.

With bolts of lightning surrounding us all, I transport us to the area I would usually teleport into the kingdom at: my house. We all look up and around and I take a deep breath in of the rose-scented air. Home, finally, and not in a stuffy mildew scattered library ruin. Nothing against libraries though.

In a moment I see a crowd rushing to the town square and get a horrid feeling. Nobody usually went to the square unless something was up. 

"Uhm- One moment, something's going on in the square. I need to check this out," I mumble to the leaders next to me and start to jog towards the town square, a feeling of unease settling on my chest.

Yet, in moments that unease was replaced by shock.


"AGH! NOPE NOPE! C'MON CHIEF! I'M NOT BECOMING ANY SORT OF LAB RAT TODAY!" I watch as the professor chases Sabre around the square and let out a sigh. Why did I have a feeling this was going to happen soon?

"Why do I get the feeling this has happened before?" I look over my shoulder at Violet and see he and the others had followed me.

"I think it has." I say and then push through the crowd. Professor Red finally manages to corner Sabre as I break through the crowd.

"PROFESSOR RED! Leave him alone!"

Solace: A Rainbow Quest AUWhere stories live. Discover now