Day 2: Insomnia

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Rico Today at 03:49
It has been a while since 8-BIT talked here
Brock Today at 03:49
He's probably dead
Lou Today at 03:49
Why are you two still awake?
Brock Today at 03:49
What about you
Lou Today at 03:50
Heyy!! I work in a Hotel!! I don't get rest often
Rico Today at 03:50
Fair enough
Me and Brock are pulling an all nighter to wait for 8-BIT to come back but it's probably a waste
He probably got obliterated by Nani hours ago
But sleep is for losers
Lou Today at 03:53
Brock Today at 03:53
8-BIT Today at 04:03
Guys I'm okay :/
Rico Today at 04:06
Why didn't you come back home
8-BIT Today at 04:06
I'm not coming back home until morning
Nani forgave me but she's still mad so I'm forced to help her do stuff
Brock Today at 04:07
Surprised she didn't kill you ngl
Rico Today at 04:07
Lou Today at 04:10
He's safe so why don't you two go to sleep?
Brock Today at 04:10
The arcade trio is used to all nighters, we're gamers man
8-BIT Today at 04:10
Edgar Today at 04:11
You three should touch grass
8-BIT Today at 04:12

Brock Today at 04:12
Rico Today at 04:12
Edgar Today at 04:13
No :troll:
Lou Today at 04:17
Edgar Today at 04:17
Rico Today at 06:35
It's almost morning
Everyone is offline except us
Brock Today at 06:36
Everyone's deep asleep
No idea what Nani is getting 8-BIT to do but he's probably exhausted rn
Either he's busy or deep asleep
Rico Today at 06:39
Probably the first
I'm actually a little worried about him rn lol
Brock Today at 06:39
He probably regrets what he did yesterday now
8-BIT Today at 09:19
Im doen wno
I'm clming abck home
Brock Today at 09:20
He's speaking the language of the gods
No seriously tho
Dude are you okay
8-BIT Today at 09:21
I thjnk
Imm ikay
Rico Today at 09:21
I'm gonna go pick him up brb
Dude can't even stand up at this rate
Tick Today at 10:47
Hgujvik ivfhjji
Rico Today at 10:47
Wiser words has never been said
Brock Today at 10:47
Why is he typing like a cat on keyboard
Rico Today at 10:49
Whoever created him forever cursed him with 2 metal balls for hands and his hands can press like 10 keys at once
We will never know what he says even if he learns English
Brock Today 10:49
Leon Today at 11:02
How are you two still awake
Brock Today at 11:03
Bruh it's 11
Leon Today at 11:03
You two stayed up through the entire night
Rico Today at 11:03
Us three shouldn't have drank Max's energy drinks
8-BIT's very tired but can't fall asleep because of the drinks and he wouldn't stop calling us for moral support and WE'RE SICK OF ITTT
Leon Today at 11:03
Max Today at 11:04
Sorry D:
Rico Today at 11:04
Lmao it's okay, we were the ones who bought it
It's our problem
Colt Today at 11:05
Tell him to count sheep
Brock Today at 11:05
Colt Today at 11:05
Then let him die
Rico Today at 11:05
Actually that's not half bad of an idea
Brock Today at 11:05
Leon Today at 17:19
@Rico @Brock Is he asleep now
Brock Today at 17:20
He's about to go insane
The insanity is contagious and the both of us are also going insane from helping him
Rico Today at 17:21
We're gonna need therapy by the end of the day
Lou Today at 17:21
I appreciate you being good friends helping him as much as you two can though!
Surge Today at 17:21
I'll go check on him
Brock Today at 17:21
Yes please thank you
Colt Today at 17:29
The heck?
He's still not asleep?
Rico Today at 17:29
Maybe I should have done the killing idea from the start
Surge Today at 17:28
Rico no
Leon Today at 17:29
Colt Today at 23:12
@Rico @Brock @Surge Please tell me 8-BIT's asleep now
Surge Today at 23:13
How the hell is 8-BIT alive
Colt Today at 23:13
I'm assuming that's a no
Surge Today at 23:13
Ofc it's a no
Also Rico and Brock are sleeping
Don't ping them rn
Colt Today at 23:15
Will keep that in mind
Edgar Today at 23:15
The dude's not gonna fall asleep for the next few days at this point
Surge Today at 23:15
Even I can't save him
Which one of you are insomniacs and are good at keeping their sanity and can handle a few hours of him suffering and asking you for moral support every millisecond
I want to take care of him
But I need to sleep too
Lou Today at 23:16
I would but
Mr. P isn't gonna be happy about me leaving the hotel...
Surge Today at 23:16
Fair enough
Sandy Today at 23:16
I mean
I'm used to not falling asleep now
I guess I can help
Surge Today at 23:17
Thanks bro
I'm 100% ready to leave this place now I'm getting sick of him
Sandy Today at 23:17
No problem I guess


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