Day 4: Discord Issues

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Rico Today at 02:29
@Edgar I have a question
Edgar Today at 02:29
Rico Today at 02:30
Why isn't Colette using Discord?
I mean, everyone's here so this should be heaven for her
Edgar Today at 02:30
I have to keep that app away from her at all costs
Rico Today at 02:30
You don't want her to be on the phone 24/7?
Edgar Today at 02:30
I mean, yea
Our boss doesn't like us using the phone too much while working
So I use it secretly
But Colette is probably gonna make it too obvious and we'll get our phones taken away
She probably doesn't even know what a discord is unless she watches My Little Pony or something
But keeping the app a secret has been successful lately
Rico Today at 02:35
Fair enough
You probably should sleep now tho
Edgar Today at 02:35
I'll do so later
Rico Today at 02:35
8-BIT Today at 12:07
What did I miss
Leon Today at 12:07
Oh wow you're finally back
Colt Today at 12:08
Rico Today at 12:08
As much as I want you to keep chatting here you probably shouldn't leave bed too much today
You looked like a zombie when you tried to walk
Brock Today at 12:08
Colt Today at 12:09
Isn't he like an arcade machine
Why does he need a bed when the way to energize is by charging
8-BIT Today at 12:09
Because it's comfy? :/
Colt Today at 12:09
Fair enough
Jessie Today at 12:13
Yeahh 8-BIT...
You really should rest for a bit.
But please don't stay there the whole day! You need to walk a bit.
Tick Today at 12:56
Rico Today at 12:56
Tick continues to suffer having metal balls as hands
Tick Today at 12:56
Brock Today at 12:57
Use chopsticks or something
Rico Today at 12:57
You forgot something
Brock Today at 12:57
Oh yea that wouldn't work
Duct tape them to the hands
8-BIT Today at 12:58
Tick do be going

Rico Today at 12:58
Brock Today at 12:58
Tick Today at 12:59
Rico Today at 12:59
Go and call Darryl or Penny
I'm pretty sure you know English but just can't say and type it so just find them
Tick Today at 13:00
Darryl Today at 13:07
Rico Today at 13:08
Actually Darryl
How do you three have connection
You guys literally live in a pirate ship
Darryl Today at 13:09
That's why we're not always online
We've barely figured out 'ow phones even work
Not to mention findin' connection
Rico Today at 13:12
Ig that's reasonable
Darryl Today at 13:12
What does ig mean?
Rico Today at 13:12
It means "I guess"
Leon Today at 13:12
Brock Today at 13:12
Leon Today at 13:12
8-BIT Today at 13:13
Leon Today at 13:25
Oh gosh sorry
Nita took my phone but she doesn't know how a keyboard works and started spamming
I snatched it back now
8-BIT Today at 13:26
I thought you got possessed or something
Rico Today at 13:26
You probably should start teaching her how to use one
She should know at least a little English
Leon Today at 13:29
Yea ofc she does
I'll try to not get my phone taken again
I'll go and teach her now
Rico Today at 13:31
Also I talked to Darryl a bit in DMs
I think he'll try helping Tick type now
He didn't know what chopsticks are so he just got 2 sticks and glued it to Tick's hands
Let's see how this goes
Tick Today at 13:34
Ahooy mateuys
8-BIT Today at 13:34
Holy crap that actually worked
Still sounds like he's having a stroke
I guess his hands can be kinda shaky at first doing this but you can actually see what he says now
Rico Today at 13:37
Well that kinda worked
We can finally know what he's saying
Tick Today at 13:37
Shelly Today at 13:57
Umm... I don't use Discord often but we really need some help right now
Colt Today at 13:59
Save us please
8-BIT Today at 13:59
Shelly Today at 13:59
Spike doesn't know english too well and he wants to communicate somehow
And Colt decided to show him this thing called Emoticons
And well...
Spike Today at 14:00
Brock Today at 14:00
Looks like we're making some cactus juice today
8-BIT Today at 14:00
Oh god
Colt Today at 14:00
He won't stop flooding our DMs with Emoticons
Someone save us
Spike Today at 14:00
Brock Today at 14:00
At this point 8-BIT and Rico's only purpose in the world is helping other brawlers type properly
8-BIT Today at 14:01
I didn't want to get into this
I still feel really sick and I don't wanna get tired again
Rico Today at 14:01
8-BIT Today at 14:01
Andddd he's flooding my DMs
I'm blocking him
Rico Today at 14:02
You two should just block him for now
He's probably not gonna stop until he learns English better
I guess it's not that bad for him to use Emoticons
We can at least kinda know what's in his mind now
Colt Today at 14:05
Good enough for me
Edgar Today at 18:14
The hell happened up there
Rico Today at 18:32
Not much
But more people are probably gonna be active here now that we helped some brawlers use this app
Edgar Today at 18:32
Oh cool
I don't have to only talk to the same people now
Brock Today at 18:32
You're saying that like you hate us or smthing
Edgar Today at 18:33
I never said I liked you three lol
8-BIT Today at 18:33

Rico Today at 18:34


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