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supeer mommy mitvhel and i proudly walk to schoo with our beaufitgul baby vhcildreen, i have no idea if theu go to my ddchol, or not and infants shoyldnt be there either, but whatever. im gonna go see blone bitvhand make her jealuous uwu.

and then i see her.

THE BLONDE BITCH OF THE CENTURY.. she hasd been so jealous of our poluyamrousns relatipnship baby that she had appraoched uaswith anmger "WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING IN YOUR SPARE TIME YO UGLY CHILDREN?! AND WHO IS THIS???" "my name is mitchel, i abjyerbjegsinds gay"

"fuck of blondie bitch this is my teen family with suprer awsom megga mommy and mitchlelele and you dont get a say in any thing buy bithc" i tellaport her to the shado realm.

blonede bith is sent to the shadow realm where she see shadows and nothing but. for the first time in her pitiful life, she is terrififeed. 'wh-wh-wh-wh-what his this place?" she stutters in an unchraracteristic manner. 

'IT IS I< sexy cowboy, mitchel says, appearing througb the window.

"WHER DID YOU COME FROM" WE HA DBEEN TALKING ABOUT LASGANANA.. to tjhe miceowave we all went to tsee the perfect lasfahana guarse3ded by ther one and only garfield rthre cat... we had to figjt this man for our delicpous supper!!! "MITCHEL USE DICK ESXTENDSION!!!" the dick is now 9999999999999 feet long, mitch wips blondie bitch with the dick of his then she dies XD

time skip 10 yeas the baby are 10 adn we are 30. we are watvjng our beautiful children play and my two beauftiul partners are leaning against each of my shoylders lovingly.

'you are so bootiful pardner,' mithel ssays.'i love her more, you cowboy, ' super mommy argues.

"guys, s-s-s-s-s-stop fighting..." thwey didn't hear me, i then took out my oiwerful wolf vampire self anf screamed "SSSSTOP FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~" they looked at ,me with sh0vked, they then shut up really quick "i'm so sorry i didn't know you wetre ellergic to emo actviveituy" its yes very, i cant bilive this " you guys know i love both of you more then the both of you cmombinininijined. " we're so very sorry, we love you so much baby girl." ILOVEYOUTOOO"

we all start kisign at the same time in front of our chikdren who are very concerned and terrifieed. the oldest cover sht eyoungest's eyes/ "ni today, young onem. not todsy..."

e all stop kissing as soon as we realize our children are staring at us, exepct for the youngest, whose eyes eerev covered. "OMG I AM SO SORRY I DIDN;T MEAN TO TDO THAT" i ran away crying because i wasmso embarrassed that a child saw me kiss a emo and mommy milkers/... "wait ! come back!!!" they ran after me amnd stopped me "it's okay!! they're just kidss!! lwts go make more..." they smirked

2 hours later

:"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" we fucked and all cum at the same time " wow im nolonger a vergen eventho i gave birth" i said if hurt a bit but then it was sewwt bliss "thyst right bb gorl you loved it" mommy said. I blush. 

'wanan do it again?' mithe; asks ;)

'Hahahahaha NOOOOOO the third authour is too uncomfy to wirte shit lime thta,' i say. mitchel and super mommy all look at me in cinfuion.

"well anyway, what now?"

why don't we go to starbucks??" I say. I WANT COFFEE >;0

"yes ,y baby bakak uwu chilod i love sm you are my pride and joy pls marry me" mommy said they went to go get coffee then y/n had went yu[p to pay.. HER MOTHER WAS ALIVE THIS WHOLE TIME???? "MOMM I DIDN'T KNYOU YPU WERE ALIVE!!" "om yg it's ,y ,mistake.. I MEAN my child! oh how ive missed you i cant bilive this i cant wiat to tell your dad and you 9 sisteres and 98 brotheres oh by the way ones trans" my mother is aliveeeeeeeeeeeee" well mom ypu are invited to mines mitches and super mommy s wedding if you want to come" i said ass " no " my mother said then we killed her and had a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig wedding and ate lots of cakkek cock and the childewn were verey ecsitesd 

the end 💖

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