super mommy and mitchel glare at eacgother, weapons at the ready. mithcels weapon being a rather... strange choice, but ok i guess.
"YOU WILL NOT HURT MY SXY SWEETHEART," mithcel exclaims in his ohot cowboy voice. "well see about that, super mommy says with a confident smirk. she flied away with generos poop cookires and raindbows "well, we wont be seeing her thrn ig." mitchel then turned into a unicorn with radiant rainbows, HE'S GAY?!?!?! YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME THIS YOU FLOOPY DOOPY.
i start to glow and shake, "omg" mommy said witha suprise "we are outmatched my her angelic voive oh my god." " i agree,' mithcle says, blushing profusely.
"my power's tuned on, starting right now ill be strong...!" i continue to sing, and turn into a beaufitul angel. my super mommy and hot cowboy boy had screamed with joy "YOIU GO GRIL" "YES THANK YOU" I SCREAMED WIYUTH MYNMBESUTIFUL VOICE IN MY HEAD. "this is my fight song~" omg i sounded so god i though i was g0nign to break their eyes. they sudemly statred to no fight no moe once they relized i was the cosen prinsses hibred unicorn goddes cat dog lizzerdrainbow maagic dradong "our hiness we are so sorry"
we all bow at each oher in respect and LOoove. "I forgive both of you.' I say sweetly, 'because im vunrable swetn and special.'; I love you both.
gaspthey both agasp. WE LOVE YOU TOO OUR BEAUTIFUL NGEL. they thien passiomately kiss with their hands on eachothers faces "OMTG WAIT NIIIIIOOOOOOOOO" y/mn screamed as she instantly got pregnant "OMG WE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSIPITAL ASAP NO ROCKY!!" they rushed to the hosiptil to see how the baby had been born it was 3 togf the babby urviveddd there were 9 born but six died oh well, they were nmed shrek donky nd feona after my favotret movie dhrek
well i guess we have several childeren now, i say, nervous. how will i be strong enough for my beaufitfl abbies.?
super mommy and mitche both look at me kindly, each oth them placing a hand on my shoukders. "we're gonna be her for you abbay girl, they say. i sigh. i love them so much.
well, as ypu kow, you guys haven't seen my true form yet, miyvhel had explianed "let we show you.." he flormed from the full moon into a giant goblin and then with a beautiful unicorn rtinbow tail!! "omg i think thats waht my dadd looked like" i cant biliveeeeeeee this it was sooooo crazy wiriedieid but i loved it tho so we all went back to school to show off the babbys to every on and make blondied bitch gelles
tbc...... time skip net chapter