𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏𝟓

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"I know your ass working with KD," Kentrell said dragging Ari in the middle of the forest.

"Stop please I won't work with him anymore I promise." She yelled but it was muffled.

"Yea right. I ain't gonna kill you but I am gonna torture you." Kentrell laughed tying Ari up too a tree.

"Pick a number between 1 and 10." Kentrell said, looking at the many knives in his hand. Ari showed him the finger 4.

"My favourite number." Kentrell joked grabbing the fourth knife. He carved into her skin making her scream.

"Stop screaming no one can here you out here." He shushed her wrapping her mouth with tape.

Continuing to carve deeper in her skin, she twist and turned but couldn't move because of the thick ropes surrounding her body, that was tightly tied.

Kentrell got up and dusted himself off. "Usually I don't beat women but there's a first time for everything." He said kicking her in the mouth, blood instantly coming out.

He punched her, left and right looking at her one more time before laughing. He took her phone out of her pocket.

"Open it right now." He said tugging her fingers towards the home screen button. Within seconds it was opened, he went to contacts seeing he she had KD, JOE, and the Kayla's ole dad number.

He made sure to remember them all before clicking KD's name. "Say Cheese." He said laughing sending the picture.

"I'm gonna have to leave you now, but you were right about me. When I said I was gonna have her I meant that shit." He whispered in her then kicked her one last time in the stomach.

Walking back home, he opened the door revealing Kayla with sleeping Kacey in her arms.

"Yes?" Kentrell asked her trying to move past but she blocked him.

"What was you doing talking to her?" She replied clearly angry.

"I wasn't talking to her, I was telling her to go home and she wouldn't listen to me, so I dragged her out." He lied.

"Do you believe me?" He said grabbing her face looking her in the eyes. "Do you believe me Kayla."

"I believe you." She replied nonchalantly. She turned around and walked upstairs with Kacey.

Kentrell followed her, entering their room that was very messy from the twins. There was clothes, toys all over the bed and floor but they didn't care or mind.

"We need to clean this up." Kentrell said throwing the toys and clothes off the bed and onto the floor creating more mess.

"Whose we, your the one who brought them in here." Kayla replied.

"Mm whatever K give me kiss." Kentrell laughed. Kayla gave him a quick peck making him pull her back for more.

Being interrupted Kacey came in with Kai making them separate quickly. Kacey looked at his father running to him as Kai waited by the door.

The three of them exited the room leaving Kayla to process what just happened.

Kayla being nosey decided to see what they were doing. She walked towards the twins room hearing talking. Both children's and Kentrell's.

"That's enough of the stories no more." Kentrell said tickling Kai and Kacey stomach. "Kayla come in." He said making her gasp.

She slowly walked in sitting on Kai's bed. "What you guys doing." She said resting her head on Kentrells shoulder.

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