Last Rites

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A/N: My tenth entry for OQ Prompt Month, using Prompt #271 Instead of Robin, Regina is the one who Hades kills with the Olympian Crystal.

Once again, this will have a couple parts, but here's the first part as well. You might want to grab some tissues now.


Robin never went into any job without an escape plan. It was why he and his men were never caught and they all made it out together.

But Robin had ignored all his instincts this time. As he told Regina, his daughter was in danger. He didn't feel he had the time to properly examine the situation and come up with plans. Robin needed to get inside and get his daughter before Hades or Zelena could hurt her. So he had charged in and winged it with Regina by his side.

And she had paid the price.

When Hades had held up that blue crystal, threatening to obliviate Regina, Robin had pleaded with the god to use it on him. He was not going to let the woman he loved pay the price for his foolishness. Regina deserved to live and to have her happy ending with her son and his as well. He also knew that she would be a wonderful mother to his daughter and would raise her to be a strong woman just like herself. If someone's life had to end, he would rather it be his and he would go knowing his loved ones were safe and taken care of.

Hades, though, was determined to kill Regina. It was clear he believed she was a threat to his relationship with Zelena and Robin could understand that. Something had happened in the Underworld that had brought the sisters together and so if anyone could convince Zelena that Hades was no good, it would be Regina. Robin also believed that Hades knew Regina was likely the only one strong enough to defeat him as well and that's why he aimed the crystal's devastating magic at her.

Robin could still see the terrifying blue light that had emanated around the powerful bolts which had hit Regina whenever he closed his eyes. He could then see her sudden intake of breath as she slowly turned to face him, her brown eyes wide with fear and realization of what was happening. She then collapsed as her soul left her body, hanging in the air before him. The ghost of tears ran down her cheeks and he tried to reach out as she gave him one last smile before her spirit disintegrated in front of him.

Everything that happened after that was a blur. Robin had fallen to his knees and gathered Regina's limp body to himself, cradling her in his arms. She was still warm and he tried kissing her, praying True Love's Kiss would work even though he knew not even it could counter death.

He still had to try.

Zelena had entered shortly after that and all the color in her face had drained when she saw Regina's body. Hades had started to spin a story about Regina storming the office and trying to kill him in order to hurt Zelena. That he had only killed her in self-defense and that he was a good guy.

It made Robin sick.

"Liar," he hissed. "Regina was helping me save my daughter. She wasn't threatening him, she wasn't attacking him. She just stood there and he shot her with that crystal, killing her because he wanted to."

Robin choked up as he looked down at the woman he loved, her beautiful brown eyes closed forever. "She died because she loved me," he sobbed.

He held her close and missed what had happened next. Emma, though, later told him that Zelena had used the crystal on Hades, destroying him. It seemed he had miscalculated how she would react to him killing her sister and paid the ultimate price. The next thing he knew was Zelena trying to take Regina from him. Robin snarled at her to go away, telling her she had done enough damage for one day. Fear filled her eyes and she left the room.

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