Perfection and Peices of Cake

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People say that I'm one of God's miracles. They say that I'm blessed. Well the thing is, I don't think I'm all that blessed and I'm definitely not a miracle. I'm just a kid. I might be a kid who is "perfect at everything" like everyone says, but I'm just a kid. To be more specific I'm a kid who has no idea what to do with my life. People expect me to end up on Broadway or become famous in some way. But all those things are dreams, confidence boosters. Besides trying to get on Broadway isn't going to pay the bills. Sure when I was little I believed that I would get in every musical, and I did. Until I got older. There was a big theatre about 2 hours away from home that I had been a part of for two years straight. I had even been taken up to the group of twenty-five kids that performed all year long. After that I thought I could do anything. But I was nine and thought that anything was possible. but the third year I went to audition, I didn't get in at all. They told me that I stood out too much, whatever the crap that means, and that I wouldn't fit in with the other kids. So basically they told me that since I'm eleven and I sound like I'm twenty and I look like I'm thirteen that I didn't fit in with the other eleven year olds who sound like they're seven and look like they're five, that I wasn't needed since I was much better and more mature than all the other kids. it hurt I'm not gonna lie. I had made so many awesome friends in those two years. There was Angie, Annie, Mike, Gracie, and Cindy. We all bonded so well since we all had a love for musical theatre. But I got taken away from them. It wasn't planned to be taken away from them, it just, happened, out of nowhere. After that I didn't get accepted into a few more musicals. Then things started to look up a little when I got my first principal role and soon after that got another principal role. The only difference was that these were small local theaters unlike the ones I had been a part of when I was younger. I've also always been a star athlete in school, as I am the only 10th grader on the varsity volleyball team and am our number one pitcher and third basemen on our softball team. Not that anyone really cares about girl sports but I play soccer and basketball too just because everyone wants me to. I'm normally a goalie for the first half and a center for the second half in soccer games. In basketball I play block since I'm freakishly tall and since it's not my best sport. Sometimes practices clashed between my sports, and I definitely have conflicts with dance. I love to dance. I'm one of the top dancers in my studio and have gotten a long way since last year. Something just seemed to click this year and I was dancing like an entirely different person. I started leaping better, turning better, I gained tons of flexibility, and I just, danced stronger. I did all kinds of dance. If you could think it, I would dance it. School was never an issue either. I've always gotten straight A's and I plan on keeping it up. Art class is easy since I love drawing and being hands on and since I've always been good with an art utensil, I'm never short of being creative and executing a great piece of art. Singing is my life. Especially since I live in a singing family. My dad was a song writer "back in the day", my brother sang lead in his band, my sister is a music teacher, and my grandma was an opera singer. I write songs and sing about every type of music because, to be honest, I don't really know what style I want to sing. So as you can see, I'm just bursting with things I love to do, but it's not always a piece of cake.

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