Riding Into the Sunset on Nick's Horse

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It's getting close to Halloween and I'm getting really excited. I've always loved Halloween. Maybe it's because of the free candy, maybe it's because I can give little kids nightmares for three years and get away with it. Who knows. I always go with my friends. This year we're going as a circus freak show. Me, Everly(blonde hair blue eyes)am the acrobat since I'm the only flexible person in our little group of friends. Avery(red hair, green eyes, hopeless romantic) and Emily(dark hair, blue eyes, avid reader) are going as conjoined twins since they're the same height. Nick(blonde hair, blue eyes, softie to adults, bad boy at heart) is going as the world's strongest man because, in all honesty, he's ripped. Last year we went as super heroes, he was the Hulk. Anyway, Johnny(brown hair, brown eyes, super geek)is the ring leader, and since Elizabeth and Makayla missed the meeting when we planned this, they got stuck with being the lions. Tori(black hair, brown eyes, weirdo) is a clown since she really wanted to be one for some reason. Brianne(brown hair, brown eyes, chill yet boy crazy) and Carter(dark skinned, brown hair, brown eyes, ladies man) are going as daredevils. We're that group of friends that everyone wishes they could be a part of. Then again most girls wanted to be in our group because of Nick and Carter. And if what Avery says is true than guys want to be in the group because of me. She thinks that since, and I quote, I'm pretty, have a six pack, and am blonde that all the boys like me. Although I never understood the blonde part, I don't understand a lot of things Avery says. Which brings me to another reason why I'm the acrobatic, I'm the only one who looks good in a leotard. Instead of trick or treating this year, we're going to a Halloween party. Right now I'm waiting for Nick to pick me up so we can have our annual horror movie marathon at his house. This year we invited Avery since she hates horror movies and we want to see her be utterly scared. Nick and I are such good friends. The best part is is that she doesn't know that we're watching horror movies. Avery texted me a few minutes ago saying that Nick had arrived at her house. The three of us all live ten miles apart. Nick lives the furthest out of town and then it's Avery, then me. The reason why we go to Nick's house is because he has a giant flat screen in his room. As I'm getting ready my phone rings, finally.

"Hey we're here" says Avery on the other side of the phone.
"Took you guys long enough" I say jokingly.

A few minutes down the road and Avery pops the question. "What are we gonna watch?"
I smile at Nick and say,"Whatever comes on."

When we get to his house we automatically go to his room and the whole way there Avery's mouth has been wide open considering how extravagant Nick's house is.
"Close your mouth sweetie, you'll catch flies" After receiving a death glare from Avery we settled down on his bed with popcorn (only one of the most important food groups) and found our channel. Avery took a bathroom break which probably wouldn't be the last time she was in there cause at one point I can almost guarantee she'll use it as a hiding place.
"How much you wanna bet she got lost?" Says Nick.
"20 bucks because she's probably just wandering around the house with her jaw dropped." We both started laughing at my comment when Avery came in the room.
"What's so funny?" Avery asked.
"Did you get lost?" Nick asked very sincerely.
"Or were you just wandering around the house looking at everything?" I asked in turn.
"I didn't get lost but I might've given myself a tour."
"YES! Pay up Nick" Nick groaned and pulled out a crisp twenty dollar bill.
"Did you guys bet on me?" Avery asked.
"Yup" me and Nick said at the same time.
"You guys creep me out when you do that."
"We know" we say in unison once more.
"You two should just date already."
Avery said jokingly. Me and Nick looked at each other and nodded, agreeing on what we were about to do using our telepathy. Nick got down on one knee and said very sweetly, "my dear Everly, would you do me the amazing favor of being my girlfriend?" "Yes! I've been waiting for this my entire life!" I said sarcastically. "Then we shall ride across the fields and meadows into the sunset on my horse." He said putting an am around me and gesturing his hands in a sweeping motion like a rainbow where his "vision" should be. "Oh Nick that's be splendid!" I said starstruck. Then we hugged very dramatically and in unison said "And scene" as we swiped our hands in front of face like we were switching back to reality. "Wow" Avery said coming to sit down on the bed. "Well you did set us up perfectly." I said.
"And trust me that's not the only one we've got." Said Nick and we started laughing, but Avery just ate a handful of popcorn.
"You ready Avery?" Me and Nick said very seriously in unison.
"Just turn on the movie and stop doing that, it's freaky." Avery said annoyed.
Then Nick said under his breath, "Just wait until she sees this movie." I automatically put my hand over my mouth so Avery wouldn't notice I was laughing. Nick pressed play and Avery asked what the movie was about. This is gonna be fun.
"It's about a husband and wife and their son and all the..." Nick trailed off and I finished, "trials that they go through."
"Yeah" said Nick trying to hold it together.
"Ok, cool" Avery said completely unaware of what trials meant.

Once the movie was over, Avery hadn't screamed or talked once, which means she didn't find it scary or she was petrified (which I would most likely believe).
"Everly can I talk to you in private?" Asked Avery.
"Um, sure." I replied curiously.
Avery and I walked downstairs to the game room.
"Ok what is going on between you and Nick?" The question caught me off guard and I didn't really know how to respond so all that came out was "um, what?"
"You were all cuddled up together, and you were holding hands and putting your face in his chest when you got scared."
"It's nothing we're just friends chill out"
"It didn't look like Nick just wanted to be friends."
"What are you talking about Avery?"
"All I'm saying is that he was definitely enjoying it."
"Enjoying what? The movie?"
"No idiot! You being all cuddled up to him. Whenever you squeezed his hand or hid your face in his chest he smiled a little and put his arm around you. Did you not even notice?"
"I mean I noticed that this year felt a little more, I don't know, like a little more..." I trailed off not wanting her to know how I was gonna finish that sentence, because if I knew Avery, she'd make a big deal out of it.
"A little more what? Tell me tell me!"
"...warm." I don't know why but a grin broke out on my face and Avery squealed.
"Ohmigosh you guys like each other!!"
"Um ohmigosh no we don't" I said mocking her.
"Well I don't know about you but he's obviously in love with you."
"Dude no! We're just close."
"Yeah really close, especially during that movie."
"Stop it!" I tried to say embarrassed but came out kind of aggressive.
"Ok, ok geez...but he still likes you."
"No he doesn't." I said in his defense since he wasn't here.
"Alright, believe what you want to, but everyone else in the world thinks you like each other, just sayin."
"Everly the entire school practically thinks you're dating."
"No they don't."
"Yes they do."
Well, we're not."
"Oh I know. I also know that he so wants to."
"He doesn't want to date me he's my friend."
I wasn't talking about dating. I was talking about something else if you know what I mean."
"I can see it now. He'll come up to you, confess his love, you'll make out and live happily ever after."
"Ok, no, not going to happen, ever."
"I don't know I think it's very possible."
"Ok I'm going back upstairs."
"To cuddle with lover boy?"
"No to eat pizza, I'm starving."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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