A Good Dose of Reality!

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After taking Chef Pee Pee to bed, Marvin then entered Jeffy's room.

Marvin: Alright, Jeffy. Tonight I'm going to talk about a legend where a man in red defeated and saved the world from the robots from another planet.

Jeffy: But dad! That legend sounds so fake!

Marvin: It's not fake Jeffy! It's a real story told by the tale of history!

Jeffy: Hey dad? Did you actually destroyed these evil robots?

Marvin: What no! That's not me! I'm not the man in red who LITERALLY can fight these robots better THAN me!

Jeffy: I think it's you.

Marvin: Jeffy! It's not me! *Sigh* Ok let me tell you the legend.

It all started in 1984, where a group of robots arrived from a dying planet to Earth. The people welcomed them here. But one day, they started using the robots for chores and workplaces as slaves. five years later, the King of the Robots, decided to declared wars on the humans and slayed them all to take over the Earth as their new home planet.

Jeffy: Wait, daddy! If the robots killed all of the humans, how are we still living right now?

Marvin: Jeffy! I didn't finish this story yet!

Back to the story, only a rare but powerful crown that can destroyed the robots for good. Because of that, a group of humans tried to fight back the robots but the person who isn't named is the man in red who eradicated the robots when he put the crown on his head. But however, he shortly passed away from the injuries after this. The crown, however, was nowhere to be found. And so the world went back to peace and honored the memorial whose lives were lost in the war.

But however, rumors were spread that if someone told another this legend, a portal will open up.

Jeffy: I still don't believe this legend is real.

Marvin: JEFFY!!! Got damn! You still don't believe this? Ugh whatever, you should sleep now.

Jeffy: Alright, good night daddy.

Marvin: Good night, Jeffy.

Marvin and Rose's Bedroom:

Rose: Hey Marvin, how's Jeffy?

Marvin: Well, I told him a legend but he didn't believe this.

Rose: I wonder who's the man in red?

Marvin: That's not me either!

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