Now in Color Pt.2

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Wanda pov

My wife left. "Okay." I forgot how stressful having a kid could be. I gap. Oh no. Wait for the doctor please. "Mom dad is going to get a doctor for you." I know she is. But she better hurry. I gasp. I heard a noise coming from the baby room.

We walk to it. Before we can get any close to the room. The door ring. I gasp. I look down at my stomach. "I shoot." I need to hide it. "Uh... Oh!" I use my powers to open the closest door. I grab a coat and put it on.

I open the door. "Hey Wanda and Roxanne, what's up?" I can hear my daughter snickering behind me. "It's 75 degrees out. You're making a fashion statements." I wish I was. But I'm trying to hide my stomach.

"Hi Geraldine. You know now is not really a good time." Please leave. "Mom is right." Thank you daughter. Geraldine enter my house. "No, no, no, it's foxy. You'll have to let me borrow it sometime." I'll let her borrow it now if she leaves.

"But first, I gotta borrow a bucket. Not to wear, to use." As my wife would say why would you wear a bucket. I close the door. "Somehow, all the pipes in my ceiling burst at once and I gotta bail myself out." I don't even know where my wife would put the bucket.

"All right sure." Oh dear. "Just stay right there." We need to find one. "I think my wife put one in the kitchen." I went to the kitchen. "Okay, then." We need this baby out. "I think it's just here under the sink." I scream my coat Change into a raincoat. I gasp. Oh dear.

"Are you all right in there?" I wish I was. "Yes I am just looking." I groans and my jacket change into a fur coat. I felt it. "Oh!" Nice "I'll come help." Oh no don't. "No! I mean, no thank you." I took the coat off. Oh no.

Geraldine enter the kitchen. Can't let her see my stomach. I grab the fruit bowl. "bingo." She turn to me. "Would you look at that?" What. "What?" She walk to me. "Fruit. Wanda! Thank you." Oh hurry up and leave. "She grab a apple. "Yummy."

We left the kitchen. "Well good luck with the leak." Oh she finally leaving. "Oh, that... Oh! Say, Wanda I've got a question for you." What now. "You know how I've been working that temp job, right?" I sigh. "Well my boss, Mr. Haddok, he was crazy yesterday..."

Why is there a bird in my house. "Oh, look at me going on and on like you got the time in the world." I'm confused. "Let me go on and get out..." I cut her off. "Wait. No." I said loudly. "Tell me about the temp job." My daughter was confused like me. "Oh,, that's my girl."

Why is there a bird in my house. Geraldine sat back down. "So, yesterday my boss Mr. Haddok." I sat down. "Was going crazy working on the new slogan for a new breakfast cereal. You know the one with the little marshmallow moonmen?"

"Oh." I'm still stuck on how a bird is in my house. "Yeah yeah yeah those." Am I see things? "So it's 10 minutes before the big presentation." I use my powers on it. "And Mr. Haddok has got nothing." It's still here. "Nothing that is except the worst case of the hiccups I ever see see."

Bird can you please leave. It coming over. "Oh Wanda. He couldn't get out one word. let alone one whole pitch" don't come any closer. I use my powers again. "So I'm trying every trick in the book to help this poor man." It not leaving. "I'm hiding behind filing cabinets.

"And jump out when he least expect it like boom!"I scream and throw a fruit at the stork. "Wanda." That what you get bird. The bird made a noise. "What was that?" Damn it. "Did you hear that?"

I nodded my head no. "No." Just forget about it. "It was like a chattering sounds like..." I cut her off. "Oh! Like a..." I made a ice maker noise. "Yeah." Ok. "That's my new ice maker built right into the fridge. My wife did it." Please believe that. "Oh!" Thank God.

The Witch Lover³ ~ Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now