We Interrupt This Program

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A/n matt is Alex non-superhero best friend. He's Monica Brother.

Matt pov

We walk into the sword headquarters. Monica use her ID on the door but it didn't work. "Ma' am? Over here please." The guy at the front desk said to Monica. "Hi good morning. I work here. And..." The guy cut her off. "If you did your badge would work." Asshole. "Right. Um... We have a meeting with..."

"You know who this is?" Hayward walk over to us. "...this guy." I hate this guy. "Captain Monica Rambeau." He said. "Director Tyler Hayward." They shook hands. "Acting Director. You haven't aged a day." Wow fucking weirdo. "And you look old as hell." He looks like saggy balls. "Come on you two."

"It's been three weeks and you two  arethe first to report. Can't say I'm surprised you two." We were walking down the hall. "How are the numbers for the astronaut training program?" Probably not a lot. "Dismal. Lost half my personal in the blip. And half of those remaining have lost their nerve." Wouldn't be surprised.

"The program hasn't been the same since you've been up there Rambeau. Shifted away from manded missions and refused on robotics, nanotech, and AI." Yup it has. "Sentient weapon like it says on the door." I sigh.

"It also says observation and response on that door not creation." She right. "World's not the same as you left it." The world will always change. "Space now full of unexpected threats." No it's not. Ok it can be. "Always full of threats. And allies." Yup.

"Listen Monica I just wanna acknowledge the awkwardness of the situation." I sigh. I just want to go home to my family. "I know S.W.O.R.D.'S your home." Her home not mine. "Your mom built this place up from the ground." But we have an asshole of an acting Director now. "You grow up here."

I miss Alex. She was my best friend. I sigh. "You should've been here to help name the replacement." I think she knows. "You were the obvious choice." I wish he wasn't. "I was the one choice." I wish you weren't. "I wasn't gonna say it."

"Look Tyler you know the job you have to do. I'm here to do mine." Yup. Now can we stop talking to him. "Let's get you back out there." We enter the room. "The FBI is in a fizzy over a mission persons case up in new jerseys..."

"Missing persons?" What going on in new jerseys. "I know. But they requested use of one of our imaging drones and I need a chaperone." Really. "Tyler drones usually chaperone me." Wait really. "I get it."

"Look if this is because of... You don't have to worry about me. I'm good." Monica can look and worry about herself. She strong lady. "There's no easy way to say this but you're grounded." Ohh that bad. "I'm sorry what?"

"Terrestrial mission only." She ground. She not a kid. "You're kidding." He has to be. "For his long? Whose protocol is this?" You can do this to her. "Your mother's." Oh no. " She implemented guidelines in the event vanished personal ever returned." Oh boy.

"Look I know it's a raw deal but there is one positive takeaway." Really what. "What's that?" Yeah. What is it. "She believed you'd become back. You'd be doing me a bug favor with this FBI thing but if you need more time..." Monica cut him off. "No. No I'm good to go."

"Excellent. Keep me updated captain." We left his office.

Location: Westview, New Jersey

We exited the car. "James E. Woo FBI." Did he do a magic trick. " Monica Rambeau, S.W.O.R.D. Matt Rambeau S.W.O.R.D" She introduce us. "I'm her brother." We shook hands. "What the story agent woo?"

"I've got a witness set up down the road in Westview and this morning not looked like he flew the coop."wow.  "You're missing person is in the witness protection program?"

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